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You were always such a quiet girl, my darling. I remember that summer of '04 when you first came to our house on Groover Street to play with my sister when you were only 11. And I, freshly turned 17. 

Back then I only loved you like a sister. But I should've known a love that strong would turn into something much more.

Sammy would be bustling and running in while you politely took your shoes off and followed her. Sammy would say, "Abby quick, quick! I need to show you my new dress!"

I'd see your eyes lose a little bit of light but you still smiled at her as she rambled about her latest purchase. I know you wanted a new dress too. My heart hurt knowing you couldn't get one.

So every summer since then, I'd work enough to buy you one. I'd buy you anything you looked liked you wanted because you would never tell me what you did. I'd buy you more. I could've done more. I could've loved you so much more.

But I felt like my admiration had to be kept hidden.

But I didn't love you like that back then, darling. You were just a kid. I'm not that sick. Abby, I wasn't sick, I just loved you a lot. I didn't understand why and I still don't.

I think the kind of love I have for you now grew solely because of the way I loved you back then.

So I'm okay with not understanding. 

It led me to the most precious thing in the end anyway.

I remember birthdays with you - they were precious too. I'd get you a nice present and make sure you spent the day as happily as you could. I'd buy you those balloons with frogs on them to make you giggle and your cake had to be an ice cream one because that's what you liked best. I'd take you and Sammy out to see the latest Harry Potter movie and then we'd get flowers of your choice.

Sammy would get so jealous because I'd never do that for her. That's the difference between you and her. You were so sweet, never asking for anything, never wanting anything. You only gave. You baked us muffins and made bouquets of dried flowers which I now keep in between the novels that make me think of you.

You were so kind to us Abigail, still are and probably always will be.

And so, I feel ashamed. Ashamed that I even dare to admire you, want you. You are too good for me, I've always known that but I am such a greedy man. Such a selfish man. I want to keep you forever. 

But I know I shouldn't. So I go about every day as you walk around trying to be the best version of yourself and grow into the most amazing woman I have ever known and struggle to keep the words I desperately want you to know inside. 

We have come a long way don't you think, darling? I'm no longer the loner boy with a peach fuzz in a wannabe punk band and you're not the little girl with pigtails who loves Wimpy Kid. I'm turning 27 soon and you're 19 now . 

We're grown now.

But each day my love for you expands and I don't how long I can stay in control. Would you still smile at me if I told you I want to spend my life with you? That I want you to be mine alone?

Abigail, would you stay if you knew of these volatile affections?

Author's note


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- mills.

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