Harry and Hermione had arrived at the Burrow a few days before they had to leave for Hogwarts and Ginny wasn't sure if it added to the sadness or lessened it. Hermione and Harry were dealing with things their own way also, even though Ginny lost her brother, there were so many other deaths that they all were trying to grieve. Ginny could tell her mother was trying so hard to bring the happiness back into their home, back to the days when the things you feared most was a verbal lashing from her mom or a prank from Fred and George gone bad. She had found herself lost in her mind most of the time. She would lay in bed all night long awake just thinking of the events over the past few months and how things would be in the future. She was always over thinking it seemed. Sometimes so much so that she would cry with frustration. It was like she didn't know how or what to feel anymore and a part of her just didn't care.

It was the last night before they would be heading back to Hogwarts and Ginny knew her mom wanted to have a big family dinner before everyone left. She was packing the last bit of her stuff for school trying to fit as much as she could into her suitcase. She was holding it closed with one hand and trying to zip it up with the other when Harry walked by her room and noticed her struggle.

"Here, let me help you with that, " he said, holding the other side down as Ginny zipped it up the rest of the way.


She grabbed the luggage off the bed and sat down on it, letting out a long sigh while running her fingers through her hair.

"What's wrong Ginny?" Harry asked at the sound of her sighing.

"Oh nothing, just.....Seeing if I'm forgetting anything I guess, " she said halfheartedly like she wasn't going to even try and make it seem like nothing was wrong.

She knew Harry would be able to tell something was on her mind. She and Harry were just friends now, the whole relationship thing wasn't working out because they saw each other too much like a brother and sister and thought it best they just remained friends. Ginny thought things would be awkward between them because of this, but it wasn't at all, which she was grateful for. If anything, they had probably become closer by just being friends.

"What's really wrong?" Harry asked with a small smile.

Ginny looked at him and rolled her eyes playfully." Do you always have to see right through me?"

"Well, become a better liar, then maybe you could fool me" he laughed.

Ginny gave a small laugh and then her smile faded as she fell deeper in thought. It became silent for a few moments before she spoke.

"It feels so weird going back to Hogwarts after everything. I keep feeling guilty because a part of me is excited to get back to school, but the other part of me doesn't want to leave mom, dad, and George."

"Yeah, I know Gin..........I know." Harry sighed as he sat down next to her and gave her a one-armed hug.

She leaned her head on his shoulder and they both got lost in their thoughts for a few moments before Mrs. Weasley's voice rang through the house. "DINNER TIME EVERYONE!! LET'S GO, GET DOWN HERE NOW! "

"Maybe I won't feel so bad after all, leaving them behind" Ginny giggled as she looked over to see Harry covering his ears from her mom's screams.

By the time Ginny and Harry made it downstairs, everyone was all gathered around the kitchen table piling food onto their plates. Ginny took a seat next to Hermione and Harry took one next to Ron. She noticed Hermione and Ron exchange a loving look at each other across the table. She was so happy the two of them finally came out with their true feelings. She smiled to herself at this thought and then looked at Harry and gave him a small smile. She made a plate for herself, but only picked at it. Her mind was on the year ahead of her and how different things would be. She wondered if Hogwarts would still be the same school she came to know and love over the years. She wondered what new teachers would be there and thought about how Professor McGonagall was the new Headmistress of the school. She was quickly pulled from her thoughts when she heard her father speak up.

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