Krakoa does not like you

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So, alot of updates, yeah reason is I read alot of X-men comics in the last days. Inculding New mutants #13, which this one-shot is inspierd by. So Krakoa shows a certain protectiveniss with Cypher aka Douglas Ramesy and I really like Cypher so, yeah. Anyway, let's start. Anything written in <> is translated, like when Krakoa speaks, cause you know I can't type this language.

Ships:  Douglock, Cherik

Summary: When a rogue mutants attacks the quiet concil of Krakoa, Krakoa reacts in an unexpected way.


Doug P.O.V.

The quiet council of Krakoa is currently having a meeting, I only interupt when Krakoa has something to say or like they don't take into account that this land is alive. So, I usally just listen. They are discussing some trading with other countries. Everything is quiet for once. Yeah, famous last words. You know funny thing, when you talk with Krakoa, you get alot of gossip, so yeah somethings you don't want to know. So, with sitting here I see the professor and Magneto holding hands. Do they know everybody knows, I hope so.

Krakoa speaks: <Douglas, somebody freed Sabretooth. I don't know how. I can't see them>. I answer short: <I tell them, keep an eye open, big guy>. I speak up:"Sorry to interupt, but Krakoa just told me that somebody freed Sabretooth somehow and he can't track them". They all look at me. The professor stands up:"Thank you for the information. We have to decied, what to do and we have to call the captains".

This is were all went to hell, the doors bust open and Sabretooth, a mutant and a group with guns stormed in. The others tried to use their powers but they blocked them some how, I think it's because of the mutant. Sabretooth started talking :"So all of you go into the middle, including you kid". We went into the middle. They pointed their guns at us, there was no way you could attack them without anyone getting shot. This isn't going to end well. 

I hear what professor x says towards our captors :"What do you want? Nobody has to get hurt". Sabretooth answers:" You see, we need Krakoa to open us some portals and I want revenge. So, point one where's the kid who can talk with the Island?". I don't like where this is going.  I step forward and say:"I can talk with him". I'm nervous. I ask what I should ask him.

Sabretooth grabs my arm, his claws dug into it. He looks at me with an evil grin and sneers:"Tell him to open portals to the pentagon, the largest banks in the world and to the atom bomb control systems". I was shocked. I can't let them do that, but I have to talk or they hurt the others, who are telling me not do that. Our captors shout at them to shut up.

I turn to Krakoa and tell him: <You can't do it, they will hurt people. Can you contect the captains? I have to tell them you said no. I think they don't know you can unterstand them.>

He answers:< I will contect the captains. You do what you think is best, DouglasAraonRamsey.>. I turned to the people and told them that Krakoa won't do it. I know it was dangerous, the others know it too, I see Magneto moving to protect the professor. Creed [Sabretooth] tells me:"Then we have to motivate him". Okay, I know this can't be good, yet I wonder what he means I mean you can't bribe an island.

Creed starts pressing down on my arm and draws bloody lines. I started screaming, it hurt alot. Krakoa says something <I do not like them. I will put an end to this. Translate the first part>. I nod slightly. Sabretooth asks:"What did he say ?!".

I answer:"He said, he dosen't like you". As he wants to slash me across face, vines reach out stopp him and pull him and his companions to the ground. Vines wrap around me, but I'm not afraid. Krakoa pulls me up, on my usual spot.

The others are at their places. Krakoa opens the ground and sends them into excile. I ask Krakoa why he did it, he answers <They hurt you. They attacked me.>. The captains choose this moment to brust in. The council explains everything.

They ask me what I told Krakoa. I told them what Krakoa said first and what I told him. The rest I already translated, so they don't question it. I see their wonder on why Krakoa attacked without anyone telling him to do so. I'm glad they didn't question it.

------------------------Time skip---------------------------------

When I get into my room, Warlock forms before me. Krakoa forms a face before me. I sit down on my bed.

"Self was worried, but Krakoaentity took care of selfsoulmate. Query = Selfsoulmate fine?"- Warlock

"Yes, 'Lock I am fine and thank you  too Krakoa, yet I don't unterstand why for me?" - Doug

<It was my pleasure. Because you DouglasAraonRamesy are my friend>-Krakoa

"Thank you, you are my friend too. Keep an eye on the attackers. I will be going to sleep. Goodnight 'lock and goodnight big guy"- Doug

<I will. Goodnight DouglasAraon Ramsey.>-Krakoa

"Goodnight, Krakoaentity. Goodnight, Selfsoulmate"- Warlock

'Lock stays in this form and cuddles me from behind. It's nice.


End. I had  fun writing this. So, what do you think? You know the drill by now, if you have an request leave it here. Vote and comment please.

Stay safe and healthy <3


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