I'll be waiting for you.

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Yep, one of the two others I talked about. X-men again. If you want something else comment.  It happens in Logan: the Wolverine. Major Change of the past like Nightcrawler's Story in the Movies.

Ship: Kurt Wagner x Logan

Warnigs: Past Major Character Death, Angst

Summary: Logan tells the kids the story about the righteous/best of them.


Logan P.O.V.

What would the Elf tell me, if he saw me? He would probably smile and say he knew, I had a good heart. Yeah right, I full of shit. I'm a damn animal, I never knew what he saw in me I ain't good. He always was the only good thing about me. I still have nightmares about when he died, it was one of the worst attacks Chuck had, Elf tried to get everybody out of his reach, he died a heroes death. I am still alive always. He would be unhappy, if he knew of my wish to die.

----------------Time Skip-----------------

Third Person P.O.V.

The kids sometimes heard Logan cry and always sob one name or he screams the name, always "Elf". Laura was the only one brave enough to ask Logan about them. So she got up to Logan and asked:"Who was Elf? You scream the name in your sleep". Logan looked startled by the question, but started his tale:"He was the best person I knew. Called himself Nightcrawler, true name was Kurt, but to me he was always just Elf, my Elf. He was the most righteous among the X-men. He was kind and caring, never seemed to hate anybody, despite a world that seemingly hated him. He had a rough life. People put him in freakshows and cages, he didn't hated the people who hurt him, if I or one of the other X-men would have meet these people, they would have regretted it. I Ioved him. He was my best friend, he was my love. He was X-men's Light, our guide when we lost our way. He told me dying that he will be there in heaven waiting for me, ready to welcome me with open arms. We traded when we got in a life/death situation, I got his rosary, he got my dog tags. We also made the deal if we should die we bury the other with the respective things. I still have his rosary".

"He seemes nice, I would have love to meet him.", said Laura at the end of the story.

----------Time Skip------------

As Logan died, Laura was careful with the rosary and put it between Logan's hands. And to no one's surprise Kurt kept his promise and Logan could finally rest.



I enjoyed writing it. Hope you liked it. Vote and Comment.


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