The Night of Owls

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I'm back. Okay next chapter is a quick A/N, just wanted to have a real chapter first. This is set in the DC fandom. It's set after Young Justice Season 2, Wally of course lives. For those who read comics, will maybe recognize the Title.

Ships: Birdflash(Spitfire never happend, but Wally still knew about the plan)

Summary: It's basically what could happen if the Night of Owls happens in the Young Justice Universe.


Third Person P.O.V.

Batgirl (Barbara), (Red) Robin (Tim) and Nightwing (Dick) are sitting in living room of Young Justice and  talking a bit about, their last mission.

"Seriously, this guy was easy to beat"-BG

"Yeah, I guess, his plan didn't improve"- NW

"I think it's always the same plan, find a Alice"-RR

They agreed and continued chatting. The other members came in , one of two shot Nightwing a dirty look, Wally walked in and set down behind NW and hugged im. Nightwing turned around and kissed him on the cheek.

Suddenly the bats wrist computers started beeping. They all looked at them and a look of shock was seen on their faces, before they could get their poker face back on.

"We have to go"- RR


"We have, I just hope we are not to late. We knew, it would come"-NW

"You know, what could happen tonight"-BG

"Yes, it ends tonight"-NW

"Rob, Everything's alright, what's going on?"-KF

"They stirke tonight, Walls. We have to go"-NW

Wally's face, turned in a one of understanding.

"Just promise me you come back to me"-KF

"You know, I can't promise that"-NW

He kissed Wally and left with the other towards the Zeta-Tubes.

Recognize Nightwing B-01, Batgirl B-16, Robin B-20

------------------Line Break---------------

They got out in Gotham and immediately, went on to the nearest laction with a target they could get to. Barbara got to her father , just in time before a female talon arrived. The two fought before, BG could set a explosion, but have the fire died down. The Talon was gone and a giant owl was in the sky. Batgirl thought that maybe they already lost Gotham .

The Talons goit to Bruce Wayne and spoke:"Bruce Wayne the Court of Owls sentenced you to die". Bruce could escape to the Batcave with  Alfred and got in the Bat Armor. He  faced the Talons and said "Get the Hell out of my House".

Meanwhile Alfred opend a chanel with everybody and spoke:"To all the allies of the bat prensently in Gotham, I send this message with great urgency. Tonight, the Court of Owls has sent their assassins to kill nearly forty people across the city. The court's targets are all of Gotham's leaders. People who shape this city. I hacve uploaded a list of the targest names, here. The Court's Assassians, the "Talons"are already en route to their targets. They are highly trained killers with extraordinariy regenerative ablities. For many of their targets, I fear it may be already to late. I will keep the line to the cave open as long as I can mange. Good luck to you. God help us all". He conitued giving everybody their missions.

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