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Same style like last one-shot. Again if you want any ship with the same prompt just write me.

Ships: Quickcrawler, Spideytorch

Summary: Person A gets hurt/threaten/etc. and Person B gets protective.



Warnings: Homophobia, Violance

Third Person P.O.V.

Kurt was one of the Mutants, who were born with obvious mutations. It was a good day and the group was out in the mall, they left as couples for some date time alone and agreed to meet again at 5 p.m. for the movie. Kurt and Peter walked hand in hand. Kurt was excited to see anything as it was one of the first times he was out in public. His tail wipped very fast. Peter smiled at his boyfriend with a gentle smile. A group of mean looking Teenagers walked to them, they sneered:"Look what we got here a bunch of faggot mutants!". Another said:"You sure this one's a Mutant, it lookes like a demon, but it fits doesn't it a sin commeting a sin". The others laughed. Kurt's tail wipped slower and looked, not even a bit angry, at them:"God will judge you". Their faces turned angry, they looked at Kurt:"It appeares he already had". They punched Kurt hard and knocked him out. Peter looked at them and screamed:"That's my boyfriend, a**h**es!". He picked Kurt up and ran away. Peter informed the others via telepathy. He came to the mansion and put Kurt into bed. Snuggeld to him and held him tight and close to his body, to keep him warm and comfortable. He didn't want to leave him. He would protect him forever.


Warnings: Violance

Third Person P.O.V.

Johnny and Peter were swinging and flying through the city, as they saw doc ock ramping in the city, they got there with Spidey trying to web his arms and Johnny throwing fireballs at them, while Otto tried catching them with his arms. Spider-man says:"Hey Doc Ock, can't you hit a spider, what are you doing here anyways ?". Otto looks pleased and answers:"I finally found a way to destroy you, I studied you and found your weakness now all I needed was to draw you out". Spidey looks confused then looks to Johnny and screams :"Johnny, look out!". Johnny looks at him confused and Otto use this moment to use fire extinguisher and grabs him with his arms. He throws him across the street against a wall and Johnny silds down lifeless. Peter sees red and attacks Octavius with all he has, the fight is over in under two minutes. Peter rans towards Johnny:"Hey flamebrain, open those beautiful eyes, don't do this to me". Johnny blinks and answers:"Hey, webhead , can't get rid of me this easily". Peter sighs relieved:"We need to get you to the Baxter Buliding, god this all my fault". Johnny looks at him:"Hey none of that, he is at fault, it isn't your fault and I love you". Spidey grabs Johnny gentle and swings towards the BB, he gets in and the FF see him, Ben takes Johnny from him who fell unconious on the way. Reed and Ben took off to help Johnny and Sue stayed with. Peter explained everything and after an Hour they got the new that everything is going to be fine. Peter waited at Johnnys bedside till everything was fine again.

End for now.


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