a promise unfulfilled

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Yep, a new chapter and two others are in work. I'll try to update X-men in Civil War later today. It's again in the X-men Fandom, but with a Cameo from the Avengers.

Ships: Remy LeBeau x Logan; Wade Wilson x The Death

Warnigs: Past Major Character Death, Angst

Summary: Time has passed, Mutants died out. The knowledge about them vanished. But three are still unable to fulfill their promise to the Death.


Logan P.O.V.

Hhn, another Day, why do I even stand up. I guess, just because the damn Cajun would want me to. I miss him even after all those years. It's just a routine now. Stand up, shower, dress, eat, go to the graves, meet Victor and Wade there, eat, read/work-out, eat, drink a beer, sleep, do it again, till death comes. No not she, not like this she is with Wade. I did my morning routine and now I get up to go to the graves. The ones of the X-men, my friends. I miss them, this is why we made peace, because we are the last and we have the same problem. Remy died as one of the last, he was so damn stubborn. I loved him. There I said it happy.

---------Time Skip--------------

Third Person P.O.V.

The Avengers were currently in a Briefing, Nick Fury explained the mission:" It has come to S.H.I.E.L.D., that there are certain Stories. That in Wenchester, New York, there are always these Strangers, that visit a abandoned house, which has graves in the backyard. Nobody knows the Story of the House. Normally this wouldn't concern S.H.I.E.L.D., till we got footage of this". It shows two men fighting, one who has seemingly claws and the other, just got his arm cut off, and in front of their eyes a new arm started growing. Fury started speaking again:"And this is why I want the Avengers to investigate". Cap stood up and spoke:"Avengers, Suit up!"      

----------------Time Skip-----------------

The Avengers made their way to the manison, as they got there, they noticed that the men were already there. It seemed that they had beer and were talking. The man they haven't seen on the video spoke up:"What do you want, Bub?" Natasha ever so calm answered:" Who are you and what are you doing here?". The men turned around as soon as they spot Steve, two of them froze. The last one started talking:"Hi, my name is Wade, these are Logan and Victor and to the what, we are visiting friends' graves". The man know identified as Logan said:"I think they need a bit more information, then that". So they told them a bit about Mutants, their friends and why they are still alive. In the end, Wade started crying, then a girl came out of the shadows and hugged him, as the girl turned to Logan she said:"He is fine", she turned to the Avengers and continued:"I am the Death". They talked a bit more for a while.

In the End the Avengers told Fury that they are harmless and just wanted to visit friends.



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