You can't escape the past

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Hello, It is in the X-men fandom.

Prompt:"You are not alone".

Pairings: None


Third Person P.O.V.

They say you can't escape the past, no matter how much you want to and guess what ? It's true.  And that story begins like this.

It is a quiet day at the school. Nothing out of ordinary. The X-men are done with their Danger Room Session. They want to go shower and relax a bit. But then Professor X's voice rangs in their heads *Please come to the hanger you have a mission*. The Team groans but gets down to the hanger. As everybody is there, Charles speaks up:"X-men, your mission is in Germany, in Winzeldorf, there is a young mutant, that is in danger. Please hurry!"

Kurt Wagner P.O.V.

'Oh nein, ich wollte niemals wieder dort hin zurück. Die Erinnerungen plagen mich noch immer! Ich hoffe das Team bemerkt nichts. Das Kind kann nichts getan haben, ich jedoch musste für die Sünden zahlen, die ich getan habe.(Translation: Oh no, I never wanted to get back to that place. The memory still hunts me. I hope the team notices nothing. The child could have done nothing, but I however must pay for my sins.)'

Third Person P.O.V.

Scott speaks up:"Okay Team we are nearing Winzeldorf. Buckel up. When we get there we observe the situtaion and think about a plan".

Kurt quietly speaks:"I know zis place, I vas raised zere. I ... something bad happent zere". He speaks uncertain. "Kurt honey, what to you mean, something bad?", Jean asks. Kurt answers:"Vhen I vas a child, I vas in a circus, I vas a trapeze artist with my foster siblings, nown as the amasing Nightcrawler. Till ve got a new owner. He didn't like the vay I looked, so he put me in the freakshow. He hurtet me, but it vasn't his fault I deserved it.  When I was 16, my brozer went mad and started killing children in Winzeldorf. One day I followed him in in the voods. He vas about to kill a girl, I couldn't let him. I tried to stop but I akzidently broke his neck. The girl screamed as she saw that and run to the town screaming, that she saw a demon. The town turnet in a mop and startet chasing me, yelling about a demon, they vanted to burn me at a stake". He got very quiet in the end. In the end a few tears run down Jean's face. The Team looks enraged. They wanted to hunt this people down. Ororo noticed something trough and asked:"What do you mean, you deserved it?"

Kurt answers with tears in the eyes and on his cheeks:"I had to pay for my sins. For the way I was born, a sin made to flesh". "Oh Kurt! You are so special to us and we make you see that in some way", Jean says.*Cue: Group Hug* "I'm sorry to ruin this perfect moment. But we are there", says Hank.

Scott says:"Okay, it looks like the town is chasing the girl to that circus. Kurt, stay in the blackbird! Jean calls you when we need you and Kurt remember you are not alone!" The Team goes in the town. Ororo distracted the town people with a storm. The others go to the scared child. Realizing nobody could unterstand the child, Jean contacts Kurt through Telephathy and with a 'Bamf' Kurt was there. Suddenly the child screamed:"Dämon"(Demon). Kurt crounches down and says:"Bist du okay? Mein Name ist Kurt. Diese Menschen und ich sind die X-men. Wir werden dir helfen. Du hast eine Gabe, Menschen wie wir werden Mutanten genannt.(Are you okay? My name is Kurt. These People and I are the X-men. We are going to help you. You have a gift. People like us are called Mutants.)

Suddenly the people of the town notice them. As they saw Kurt they started screaming about demons and stakes. Jean hears everything and Kurt projectes his memories. 'Oh so loudly' and through the mind link the rest of the team saw them as well. They were angered and their mutations react to their emotions. Then Kurt steps in front of them, looks them in their anger filled eyes and says gently no. The town-people are frozen, thanks to Jean. The Team get back on the Blackbird with the child and fly home.


The End


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