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Hello, this is a translated One-shot from @DesSchattenkind, a big thank you for her for letting me translate her One-shot. It is a One-shot out of the Harry Potter Fandom.

Summary: Lily cheated on James with his best friend Sirius. Years later Remus finds a letter from Lily to Sirius. What happend?


Remus P.O.V.

It still hurts, that they are dead now. Everybody, except me. Sometimes I ask myself, what I did to deserve this. How I get on that topic ? Well I am a member of the Order of the Phoenix and currently I am in our Headquarters, which is coincidentally the house of my dead best friend. Furthermore I am sitting in the room of said friend, who's name is Sirius Black, right now. Guess who became the great honor of cleaning up this room. Right ? Me! Thanks Molly Weasley. This Woman is terrible. As if i didn't have enough to do, with looking after the wolf pack, I get to clean up this room to finish with the past and go live my life. Why couldn't Harry do it. I knew he would have done it gladly and maybe take some souvienirs. This is why I laid him a Picture of the Marauders from our Hogwarts Time to the side. Back then, as the world was still good, without the half of us dead and nobody was a traitor. Yes, the good old times.

Now I am gonig to take care of this monster of closet. I am just pulling everything out of the closet, till i see a box at the very back. It's there like Sirius didn't wanted anybody to find it there. I was somehow very curios what was in there, so I opend the box. It was about twenty letters, with an  all so familiar hand-writing. It belongted to Lily Potter, born Evans and mother of Sirius Godchild. I wondert a bit because Lily( what you wouldn't suspect) didn't like writing very much. I am very conflicted, if I should open the first letter, it excisted something like confidentiality of letters. But the curiosity won and so I opened it. What I read made me speechless.


I can't take it anymore. James is annoying me like to Hogwarts-Times.Really! The best of him,is his money, the reason I (sadly ) married him. The prat is annoying, consently it wants my attention.

But to something:

I am thinking about you all the time. Everywhere, Everytime. When I am breastfeeding the prat.When I am sleeping with James or when I am visiting my parents. I still think our time on Vacation as I was on a Seminar.

We had such a good time in Hawaii, expectly in Bed.;)I am thinking about it all the time.I am looking forward for Saturday when we "learn together".I am missing you.


I was shocked. I never thought the two would do this. Of course the Meetings were strange, but I just thought Lily was encouraging James to Study for the  education. Oh I am getting dizzy. Nobody should ever know about this. Harry would be destoryed. No Iam going to take this secret to my grave. I should burn this box. Yeah, I'm going to do that.Incendio!

And done. I hope I did the story justice. I let some parts out to make the story kids friendly.


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