New Mutants-Part 1

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I'M BACK. So, I put an A/N up here and nobody responded so I deleted the A/N  and start with writing again, but if one of the people is also reading my other english story, there is also a A/N there and I would like answers and if you have a requst leave it in the comments.I watched the New Mutants and got an idea, because my favourit new mutant of the comics wasn't in it. So... have fun.

Ships: Douglock, Dahne, Samberto

Summary:After they escapsed Dr.Reyes, they meet two people  on their way in the world.


Third Person P.O.V.

The group drived in the car, they 'found', looking at the fuel gauge, they needed to stop, they had money they 'found' in a wallet earlier. The only other people are their were the gas station employee and a boy with a strange looking arm.

They drove to the gas pump and got out of the car, Illyana,Sam and Roberto stayed with the car and Dani and Rahne go to pay. The boy looks at them curiously and then looks back down at his arm which is black with yellow strips and starts mumbling.

As Rahne and Dani go back to the car, Illyana starts speaking:"Something's wrong with that boy, Lockheed dosen't like him. I think we should make sure he isin't a threat". Sam:" Sounds like a good idea, I mean there's no way we can be sure, Dr.Reyes dosen't have any friends or allies. Should we go talk to him?". Illyana answers with an malicious grin:" We should get in the woods with him and question him". Everybody nods in agreement.

They walk towards the boy and as soon as they are sure the employee can't see them Illyana gets her sword out(?) and says:"Come quietly with us, we have to talk". The boy looks schockded and quickly mumbld something and then nods, stands up. They walk quietly into the woods and sat down.

Illyana says:" Okay, don't run and don't lie, we will know. You will answer our questions and then we will see". Sam asks first:"What's your name?" The boy answers:"Douglas Ramsesy, you can calll me Doug".

"So Doug, do you know what mutants are?"-Sam


"Are you an mutant?"-Dani


"What's your power ?"-Rahne

"I'm good with languages"-Doug

"This is a skill not an power. So I ask again what's your power?"-Illyana *sword raised threatening*

"I'm telling the truth, I can learn  new languages in seconds"- Doug *nervously*

"Fine, what's with your arm?"- Roberto

"I lost it and this is a prothesic"- Doug

"You are telling the truth but you also lie"-Rahne

"No, it's the truth"-Doug

"Liar"-Illyana *Puts tip of sword against his arm"

"Look, I tell the truth, I can't make you believe me"-Doug

"Fine, next question: who are you working for?"-Sam

"I work with other mutants"-Doug

The new mutants look at each other  and then turn to Doug. Dani says:"Stay here don't move". Doug just nods nervously.

The new mutants discuss under themself.

"What should we do with him?"-Rahne

"Maybe wait for the people, he works with and I don't know, get answers"-Dani

"Are we taking hostages now?"-Roberto

"We saw what Dr.Reyes did, there is no reason there aren't any mutants that also do that and when they are innocent, we can talk with them. We can't be careful enough"-Illyana

"Fine, we just kidnap somebody and hope we kidnap, one of the bad guys"- Sam

"Look , everybody has to be in on this plan, so we put this up to vote is evrybody in agreement with the plan?"-Rahne


They walk back to Doug and Illyana raises her sword  and put its tip against Dougs neck. She speaks:"Come with us quietly, don't speak and don't try to run. You listen to us, nothing happens to you". (Okay, short info here the new mutants may seem alot occ, but right now, they don't know where they are and are in  a highly tense situation)

They get in the car, as they want to drive off, a voice shouts:"Doug!". They drive off fast.


Doug P.O.V.

Okay, to recap. The X-men (which I'm part of) left to a mission because locals reported a orange bubble and a huge shadow from a local building. They took me with them in case, they needed a translation or something like this, as soon as they thought it could get dangerous, they left me at the gas station so I would be safe, yeah totally worked. It's not that bad I had Warlock, my boyfriend or selfsoulmate as he says, as company, yeah he is currently hiding as my arm, so I didn't told them the total truth but then they threaten me and Warlock is my best chance at defending me. I didn't told them that I work with the X-men because you never know who they may work for or what they think about the X-men. I hope 'Lock stays calm , I think anything  could tick the girl with sword off. As they led me in the car and want to drive off, I hear Storm's voice as she probaly noticed that I was missing. They drove off fast. The girl with the sword is next to me with her swords tip at my sword, I really hope 'Lock stays calm. I serious hope they don't hurt me, I don't know what they want.


Strom P.O.V. (with the X-men)

I was the first to get back to the gas station, where we left Doug. As I got there  noticed that Doug is not there, I just see one car and in the back is Doug, I scream his name but the car escapes. The other X-men arrive (So that we are clear the X-men in this story are Storm,Cyclops,Nightcrawler, Colossus, Wolverine, Shadowcat and Professor X in the Mansion).

They heard my scream by the looks on their faces. Cyclops asks me what is happening. I tell him:"As I got here I noticed that Cypher [Doug] wasn't here and then I saw this car and in the backseat was Doug with girls at both of his sides and one girl, a blond one had a sword I think at his neck. We should call the profeesor and follow the car but we have  to be careful,  we don't know who they are or what they want and Cyphers savety is our priority". Everybody agrees we go to follow the car.


End for now, this is my first one-shot with multiplie parts, it got to long, first it should be more light and without so much hurt but yeah so mmmm. Vote and comment.

Stay safe


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