For now I can pull the reins a little bit and know it won't hurt what we've started.  I let out a sigh and texted her back:

REMINGTON: "Thanks for the throwback! You'll have to show me where that photo is when I take you to the Creamery soon! See you tomorrow - gonna see how dad feels in the morning and play it by ear.  Had tons of work stuff to review when I checked tonight so I should probably try to do that for a little bit."

My head was fuzzy from pain meds and exhaustion but I knew there was a lot to be said and done.

Dad needed to be home resting. I needed to be with him.

Can I explain all that to her now?  Do I need to?

Will she really get it or will she just say she gets it like some girls say they understand stuff just so they can pretend to be nice about it but actually they're really upset?

ALICE: "You just promised me ice cream.  I take promises seriously."

I laughed and felt relief flood my body, then wrote back quickly.

REMINGTON: "Good thing I always keep my promises, then, isn't it?"

Her reply was just as quick and made my heart skip a beat.

ALICE: "It's the best thing."

My heart felt empty at the thought that I may not see her tomorrow, considering Dad needed a day home.  Earlier she made a statement that was so honest but caught me off guard when we were in her room after Alice had to swap out her contacts for glasses.  After opening the box of goodies she ordered for Benji, she made an off hand comment to me about my dad.

"Just do what he needs. That's your priority, isn't it?"

Her tone was so pure and caring.

She never seems to consider what she wants or needs. Just what is best for others.

I realized I haven't touched base on her and instantly felt terrible, texting back.

REMINGTON: "Oh, any other word from your new boss on the job? How do you feel about things now that you're home?"

I scolded myself for not thinking about her needs and being so selfish. It's so hard to know how to act when every time I'm near her my mind goes blank. Instincts take over and somehow she pulls the best out of me even when I forget about basics.

Alice sees those threads and tugs just right so the tapestry comes together perfectly.

My stomach growled and I chuckled, stretching a little and getting up now that I was awake. Since I slept in boxer briefs I threw on a shirt and padded out to the kitchen in the dark, phone in hand.

The television softly played "The Dick Van Dyke Show" and I chuckled as the theme song played while I got a glass of milk and made a peanut butter and jam sandwich.

"Son?" My dad called as I set my knife on the edge of the sink in case I decided to make another sandwich. "Why are you up?"

"Got a text from Liss as I was falling asleep," I chuckled, walking into the living room with my hands full of my glass, sandwich, and phone, "And hungry. Want some?"

He shook his head with a smile, "She okay?"

"Yeah, check this out." I showed him the photo from the Creamery and he laughed out loud.

"Wow, it blows my mind how Reese... uhhh... Benji.... looks so much like you," my dad marveled, shaking his head at the photograph. "When you two had that water fight earlier it was so much like how you and Reese used to be."

Train WreckOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora