"Alright, just make sure you do it within today and tomorrow but first you need to tell me about this lovely lady that has captured your formerly sealed heart", Hadiza said laughing.

"Don't be silly", said Saleem giving her a knock on the head.

"Ouch! That was painful. Do you have iron in your hand ni? Oya I'm all ears", she said sitting upright.

Saleem smiled and told her all about Salamat from the very first day they met. Hadiza was impressed and she told her brother she would love to meet the Salamat in person.

"Of course, you will meet her but you have to promise that this issue is going to be between the two of us, no one should hear of it, even mum. Do you hear me?"

"Of course bro, trust me", she said with a grin.

"Hadiza", he called and she answered. "Something scares me."

"What is it?"

"I have the feeling that she won't accept me because of her past. Her past keeps haunting her and she's not ready to move on. Do you even know that I am her only friend in the whole of A.B.U?"

"Really? That's strange. But even with that, you have to try and let her know. She can't keep dwelling in the past no matter how bad or painful it is. As a girl, maybe she was once hurt and heartbroken", she said looking at her brother who only shrugged.

"Bro, you need to do this. I wish you luck and I hope she accepts. You deserve the best and I think she's the best for you" His sister said holding his hands.

"Thanks, dear."

"Maama", shouted Saleem's mother from the compound. That was Hadiza's pet name.

"Naam umma, ina zuwa (Yes mummy, I am coming)", she answered.

Hadiza was not fluent in Yoruba like her brother. This was because, after her birth, her maternal grandmother took her away to stay with her. She joined her family when she clocked 15 and she was yet to learn her father's language. She was always speaking English to her siblings and Hausa to her parents, most of the time.

"High five bro", she said bringing out her five fingers and standing up to go.

"Love you", she said and ran out of the room to meet her mother.

The next day after breakfast, Saleem wanted to call Salamat but couldn't summon up the courage till noon, after his prayers. He recharged his line and tried composing himself before dialing her number.

When Salamat picked at the third ring, he lost his voice.

"Peace unto you bighead", Salamat's voice came through from the other side.

"And unto you too, small head. How are you doing?", he asked her when he found his voice.

"I am fine and you?"

"I am ok, how are his mum and dad?", he asked her.

"They are fine, mum is here and she sends her greetings. How is your dad's health now?"

"He is fine now, we thank the Almighty."

"Okay, my regards to everyone. So whatsup", she said.

"I miss you", Saleem said feeling emotional.

"Uh...oh I wish you know how much I miss that bighead of yours too", Salamat said laughing.

Saleem was silent and Salamat said, "Hello, are you there?"

"Yeah, are you still with your mum?"

"Not really, she just steps out now to receive a call. Is everything Ok? Why is your voice down?"

"Nothing really, it's just that I have something to tell you", he said.

"Ok, I am all ears", she replied.

Saleem's heart was breathing fast and he changed his mind. "Never mind dear, it's nothing."

"Don't do that Saleem... I know it's something, so tell me what it is. Say whatever you want to say now or else I will break your head."

Saleem smiled and said, "Okay give me a minute."

He breathes in and out and finally blurted out. "Salamat, what I want to say is a thing of the heart. I don't know how it will sound to you but I just feel you must know. I will respect whatever decision you make concerning this issue", he said in one breath.

"We have been friends for 2 years now and I feel I know you well enough. You are religious, modest, kind, decent, and intelligent and I see a queen in you. I like your personality and I will like you to be the mother of my unborn kids. I care and adore you Wumi...I... I will like to ask you to give me the go-ahead to come to ask for your hand in marriage from mum and dad", he finished and exhaled the air he had been holding in, while Salamat was quiet all through.

"Saleem, I am highly disappointed in you", she finally said and hugged up the call.

Saleem was hurt and sad. He felt ashamed of himself and regretted voicing out his feelings.

"If I had known, I would have kept it to myself, he told himself.

'Now I doubt if she will ever want to see me again or continue being my friend'.

Saleem was moody throughout the day and when Hadiza noticed the moodiness, she guessed Salamat must have rejected him. She did not bother to ask him but stayed out of his way so he wouldn't pour out his frustration on her.

Saleem went back to school a week later and tried keeping himself busy. After two days in school, he received a call from Salamat.

"How are you doing", she asked him.

"I am fine, thank you", he replied in a low tone.

"I...I am so sorry about what happened the other day", she structured. "I think I overreacted."

"It's ok, I should be the one apologizing. I am sorry for being too forward and for taking our friendship for granted. It won't repeat itself", he promised.

Salamat was silent before saying "I'm sorry once again. I did not know what came over me and besides, I never expected it. It's just that I value our friendship more than you can imagine. What you said to me isn't going to be possible because there are a lot of things you don't know about me", she explained.

"Salamat, don't use that as an excuse because I know you well enough, even more than you can imagine. And there is nothing about you that can change what I feel, so forget it", he uttered.

"I agree that you know me but not everything about me and I am not willing to share that part of my life with you. You told me to forget my past and that is the exact thing I am doing."

"You are wrong... You are still dwelling in the past, that's why it's affecting you. Remember I once told you that the past can be used to shape the future by bringing it to the present. Anyways, whatever it is, you don't have to tell me... I am ok with that, being friends with you satisfies me", he told her.

"Thanks for being understanding.... so are we still friends?", she asked with mixed feelings.

"Of course we are", he said.

"Thanks, bighead."

"You are welcome, princess Salamat."

"Hey, don't be a thief... why are you using my dad's word", she said and laughed. "I need to go now, see you in school tomorrow."

"Alright, bye and take care of yourself", he said and disconnected the call.

Saleem wooed Salamat and she rejected him?😣😑😥. What do you think? Do you think she did the right thing?

I had to update today again for you guys and I think I will take back my words of putting the book partially on hold. I might not be updating daily any longer but I promise to update as soon as I can or probably rush it.

And there is good news🤩. Who can guess what the good news is?

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