Chapter 36🌴

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"Gentlemen, the birds and the animals. We are gathered here to celebrate the wedding ceremony of Kim Taehyung and Kim Seokjin. Without further due, I request the grooms to share their vows."

The Minister said and directed his hands for Kim Taehyung to confess his vow to his soon to be husband.

Kim Taehyung licked his dry lips and held Jin's beautiful hands while softly rubbing on it. Jin was already looking at Taehyung and was very eager to hear what the farmer was about to say. He knew that Taehyung had never expressed much, and they rarely talked romantically.

After clearing his throat, Taehyung looked around to see the guests and his family.

"Will you finish it soon? I am hungry and I don't have control over my bladder."

Kim Seokjin warned Taehyung who immediately chuckled along with other guests. Taehyung felt little shy and embarrassed to say something to Kim Seokjin. He had tried to write many points in a paper but he ended up crushing it since nothing seemed better.

After a heavy sigh, Taehyung brought Jin's hands close to his lips and kissed the knuckles making Jin to blush.

"I have no paper to say anything because no matter how hard I tried, nothing could be expressed in words. The love which I have for you is beyond words, Mr. Kim. My life revolved around this place, Mr. Kim. The land that held so many memories with my grand mother. And now that I look at it, I feel happy to have precious memories with you in it.

Farming is all I knew, Mr. Kim. No one could tell that this farmer would fall in love. Thank you so much for coming here to snatch my land. I don't think we would be here, had you not come to meet me.

There wouldn't be us, and our baby.

Though I disliked you at first, I found myself having a soft spot for you. Never expected such successful businessman to work in a farm field. You always amaze me, Mr. Kim. And I regret till now for not being with you when you were pregnant. No matter how many times I apologize, I still feel bad about myself.

Thank you for staying strong for me and for our baby, Mr. Kim. You are not like what I imagined. You are beautiful, kind, arrogant, and a fearless man whom I am very proud of. I can not imagine my future without you beside me living in this farm house, Mr. Kim.

All I can do is thank you for loving me and choosing me over everything.

I tried to prepare a speech but I couldn't speak by seeing you looking ethereal in front of me. I must be really a lucky person to have such a man like you as my husband. Thank you for trusting me and standing here with me, Mr. Kim.

I love you, and I promise you I will never leave you and our family. No matter what hurdles we face, I will be there and we will fight it together."

Kim Seokjin gulped by hearing Taehyung's words. The farmer tried to make it romantic but he found himself getting loss words.

"Mr. Kim Seokjin, you may say your vows."

Jin sighed a heavy relief and looked at Taehyung with teary eyes. A soft smile was all Jin could give because he didn't want to break down into tears.

"After my father's death, I was made to run the Kims Enterprises. Seeing my mother destroying her life with alcohol woke something inside me. I decided to focus on the company instead of my mother who never once looked up to me.

I was someone who never cared about other living beings. I trained myself to be the best. All I knew about was business and nothing else. But with you I learned many things, farmer. Most importantly, I learned about myself.

Caring for other living beings and being the reason for their survival gave me happiness than building a company, farmer. I was a spoiled brat, but you never treated me like others did. All my life revolved around business. But you showed me there are many things in the world other than business.

I am happy that I chose you and became pregnant with our baby. When I found out about my pregnancy, I was terrified with you not being there with me. But I took it as my duty to find you and arrest you with me. Thanks for accepting me and our baby.

I am not good at words either, farmer. But me being here, and standing infront of you with a big belly is the proof that I love you more than anything in this world, farmer. I have changed for good, and it was because of you and the baby chicken.

I don't care about what people say about our relationship on their magazines. I have fallen in love with you and will always be.

Have you ever wondered why I don't call you by your name, farmer?"

  Kim Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. And he realized that he  hadn't called Seokjin by his name either.

Both of them loved calling by pet names but not by their real names.  Taehyung shook his head as a "No" and thought about Jin's reasons.

"That's because I respect your job, farmer. Farming isn't something  that anyone could do. And you are the first man who stole my heart by  you being you, farmer. You never failed to amaze me by your skills and  your hard work.

I fell in love with you being a farmer and I am more than happy to be called as farmer's lover."

Kim Seokjin finished his speech making the family cry out loud. Taehyung never knew Jin could speak like this. His fiance in front of him was matured enough, and knew what he was doing.

"Do you Kim Taehyung take Kim Seokjin as your husband?"

"I do."

"Do you Kim Seokjin take Kim Taehyung as your husband?"

"I fucking do."

"You are supposed to say "I do" Mr. Kim Seokjin."

Jin rolled his eyes by the Priest's annoyance.

"Just give me the fucking rings before I smash you with it." Taehyung's and others eyes widened by listening to Seokjin's words.

Taehyung looked at the shocked Priest and murmured, "Pregnancy hormones" making the other to clear his throat.

"Now you may exchange your rings and kiss your groom."

With that Priest said,  the Taejin couple exchanged their rings and gave a sweet kiss on their  lips making the family cheer loudly. Taehyung and Jin were smiling  happily in their kiss with their eyes filled with tears.

It was time for Seokjin to throw his bouquet to the wedding guests. Although there were only Jungkook, Jimin and Hoseok, it was supposed to be a tradition.

Jin smirked by seeing how eager his best friend Jimin was. He already knew that Jimin was the one going to be next to get married since he already got engaged to Jungkook. But with a smile Jin turned back making the guests to stand behind him.

Taehyung couldn't help but smile by seeing Jin teasing the guests by pretending to throw. With three more teasing, Jin finally threw the bouquet. He turned back to see the bouquet caught by Jimin who was jumping in joy.

Jungkook blushed by seeing Jimin running around the backyard with bouquet happily. Others giggled by looking at Jimin's cute actions. Jin with a head shake walked to Taehyung who was having fun by looking at the Jikook couple.

Taehyung pulled Seokjin by his waist and nuzzled their noses by gaining coos from the crowd.

"That was quite a speech, Mr. Kim." Jin smiled by his husband's words and pulled Taehyung's collar towards his face. Their breaths were fanning over each others lips and they totally forgot about the wedding guests around them.

"I hope you remember your words, farmer." Jin whispered making Taehyung blush. The farmer knew what exactly his husband was speaking about.

Kim Seokjin yelped in surprise when his husband Kim Taehyung lifted him in a bridal style.

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