"Want some?" He asked offering me a stick of cigarette.

"This is crazy" I said as I light up my cigarette.

"Isn't this place keeps on bringing stress" Ravi laughed. "I never thought of coming back here. So you're coming back to your father?"

"No, I just wanted to live peacefully. Up until now I still don't understand why I need to be the one to take over his place just because I'm his son" I said.

"Having the same blood as him is enough reason for you to take over" Ravi respond.

"Yeah we may have the same blood, but I haven't done a single thing related to his work plus I don't want it. There are more people working hard under him that deserves the position"

"Look who's here" a guy suddenly went out from the company building.
"Isn't it Team Leader Ravi of VIXX" he added.

"How have you been Sunbae?" He asked.

"Don't call me that, I'm not working here anymore" Ravi said.

"Come on Sunbae, I really look up at you. We should grab a drink sometime, I really missed you sunbae" the guy said clinging to Ravi's arm.

"Knock it off" Ravi said shrugging him away. Wait I saw that guy before.

"Sorry I didn't notice you're with som----- oh Young Master" he flinched when his eyes laid on me.

"Special Operation Squad, Jackson Wang" he said. I knew it, I saw him before. He's that noisy guy who keeps on calling me when they're chasing me.

"I remember you" I said.

"I really look up at Ravi Sunbae cause he started working here a year before me but he finally got into a special team. His squad are quite awesome" Jackson said.

"Stop talking about me working here" Ravi said. I wasn't surprised on hearing that cause I already know that they're the one in charge on looking after my mother before she died.

"So you and Chairman Chae finally settled things huh? He suddenly cancelled our mission to get you months ago" Jackson said.

"Sunbae you're back here? And you're working under the Young Master?" Jackson asked.

"Who says I'm coming back" Ravi said. "And don't bother me, we still have to go somewhere" he added before we walk all the way to the car.

"Don't forget to give me a call, sunbae!" Jackson said.

"So annoying" Ravi said as he open the door of the driver's seat.

"You really don't like bringing the topic of you used to work here?"

"Yeah after what happened" he said.

"And yeah about that, you can go ahead I have to go somewhere" I told him.

"But aren't we going to visit N?" Ravi asked.

"You can go ahead I'll visit him some other time. Or you can go home for now and rest plus Leo was there so you don't need to worry" I said and he agreed. He said goodbye to me before driving away.

It's been three years since the last time I visited you Mom. Wait for me.


I should be looking after Hyungwon but I'm here working at his PUBLIC and he's nowhere to be seen. I'm still worried, what if something happened to him. They said that he's with that Ravi guy so they think he's safe. Come to think of it I haven't see that Ravi guy here before.

"Jaebom you should head out first" Hongbin told me. "I'll lock this up with Hyuk" he added.

"And don't you worry about Hyungwon, he'll be fine" Hyuk said.

"Alright, then see you tomorrow" I said making my way out.

"Be careful on your way home" they both said.

Why am I so upset? Seungwoo was getting busier each day because of his work. But he didn't even give me a call neither a text. I just walk all alone all the way to the bus stop to catch the last bus. And come to think of it, I haven't seen my brothers for a long time now even if we live together.

Since I started working here I barely saw the faces of my brothers. Once I got home all of them are already asleep and the next morning I always woke up late and they're already gone for work. The road was quiet and empty, I'll arrive at the bus stop earlier than I expected. I was waiting for the last bus to come when I saw a man walking from distance. Is he okay? The way he walks, he's wobbling. Maybe I should go and check him.

As I get near the man, I find his body built kind of familiar. Then he suddenly collapsed. I quickly run towards him and saw it was Hyungwon. He's body temperature is burning and he has few bruises on his face, he also have a wound on his left right. What should I do?

I quickly search for his phone but it was nowhere to be seen. I can't contact someone at the PUB because I don't have their number. I was about to call one of my brothers but then my phone died. Shit! Why do this have to happen now?

"Hyungw--- I mean boss, boss wake up" I keep on tapping him on his shoulder.


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