Chapter 54 (Year 6)

Start from the beginning

"There's no way they'd let me be a death eater!" Weasley yelled loudly.

"My entire family are blood traitors! That's as bad as Muggle-borns to Death Eaters!"

"And they'd love to have me. We'd be best pals if they didn't keep trying to do me in." Ron and I couldn't help but laugh as Ginny Weasley approached the three of us.

"Hey, Harry, I'm supposed to give you this." She handed him a scroll that had his name written on it. He opened it quickly before smiling.

"It's from's his next lesson!" He whispered.

"Next lesson?" I asked. They froze apparently just remembering I was there.

"Well, it's just lessons he has with Dumbledore. He teaches him about how to protect himself. Different spells and things like that." Hermione said. I nodded in understanding.

"Oh alright, that makes sense." I said,

Finally, something!

"Want to join us for Hogsmeade Ginny?" Potter said, trying not to sound a little to hopeful.

"I'm going with Dean — might see you there," she said, before waving and walking away. Potter frowned, as his eyes followed her as she walked away.


"Wait, Sirius Left you something?" I said, as we sat down at the three broomsticks, taking off our jackets, hats, and scarfs.

"Yeah, Dumbledore came by that last week of summer to tell me. Did he not come to see you?" He asked. I felt myself getting angrier, knowing my face was turning red. 

"I was with Draco the las week, that's probably why," I lied.

"Ron, what are you staring at?" Granger said, as Weasley flushed, looking away from the counter that Madam Roesmerta usually was standing out.

"I expect 'nothing's' in the back getting more fire whiskey," She snapped, as I stood up.

"I'll be right back. I have to use the bathroom," I said. They nodded as Granger and Weasley kept bickering. I grabbed my bag and walked to the bathroom, pushing the door open and ran into an empty stall, locking it. I pulled out the package Draco had given me and waited.

The bathroom door opened a couple of minutes later. I pulled my wand close to my chest, and jumped out the stall, pointing my wand at the... Katie Bell. She jumped, turning around.

"Imperio!" I shouted at her. I could tell the second she was put under, her eyes becoming dull. 

"Bell, I need you to deliver this package to Dumbledore, and only Dumbledore. No one else can touch it. Do not open it and you won't remember anything of this. Understand?" I asked,

"Yes, I understand. Only to Dumbledore. Do not open."

"Good, I will go out first. You wait. Alright?" 

"Yes," she said, before I walked back to the table.

"Shall we call it a day and go back to school, then?" I asked. They agreed, standing up and putting their jackets, scarfs, and hats back on.


"It's nothing to do with you, Leanne!" I heard the familiar voice of Katie Bell yell as we all turned a corner. Leanne tried to grad the package from Katie, they started tugging at it.

Oh, no! It's going to rip the package!

And just like I thought, the package ripped, falling to the ground, Bell started hovering. When she reached six feet, she let out a horrible scream. Something inside her was hurting her, just like it was supposed to hurt Dumbledore. Her friend grabbed her ankles, screaming, trying to force her down. Potter, Weasley, and Granger all tried to force her down. As I stared at Bell, growing angry. 

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