Chapter 26 - Scared

ابدأ من البداية

"Stace he..."

"Thank you but like I said I already know. See you around." I interrupt her. Turning my back on her I re-entered the TV room, taking the seat next to Brie once more who looked over at me, a small smile on her face.

"Everything okay?"



I was waiting by Jon's rental car, we were heading back to the hotel tonight as neither of us were needed tomorrow to tape Smackdown so we can take a day for ourselves before catching a night Colorado for a house show. I was happily leaning against the car before the lights flashed orange causing me to jump.

"Jerk" I pout slapping Jon in the arm as he appeared in front of me. He wrapped his arms around me and I felt the vibrations from his laughter jiggle in my body making me feel ten times better. I didn't know what it was about Jon but he just had to stand next to me and everything was okay.

"Sorry I couldn't resist." He smiled at me once he pulled away, leaning down he pecked my lips before walking around me and opening the trunk of the car and putting his case in along with mine. "How was you're evening?"

"It was good. Brie was asking how you do the whole Dean Ambrose thing."

"Dean Ambrose thing?" Jon asked his eyebrow raised before slamming the trunk shut. He had this cute confused look on his face that just made my heart melt.

"Yeah 'The Lunatic Fringe' persona, it's just so different than who you actually are." I smile softly at him before opening the passenger side door and getting into the car. Jon followed after me after a few moments, getting comfortable in his seat before starting the engine.

"How do you know this isn't all an act and I really am a lunatic?"

"Oh I know you are a lunatic you just hide it well in public." I smirk; Jon just laughed nudging my arm gently.


"You are amazing though."

"What was that?" Jon asked smirking over at me. He heard me as clear as day I knew it but he wanted me to tell him again.

"You heard me."

"Tell me again."

"You're so vain sometimes." I laugh shaking my head at him. "You are amazing and incredibly talented."

"Thank you."

"In all seriousness though, I really do admire you. If we weren't together I would be like a fan girl over you."

"I like the sound of that." He chuckles pulling into the hotel car park and parking the car. "So are you saying you don't fan girl over me now? I mean I am like a Greek God."

"Oh my god you are so full of yourself." I scoff pushing his chest before exiting the car and walking around towards the trunk of the car. Jon appeared in front of me within a few moments.

"But you love me." He laughs pulling both his and my case from the car.

"That I do."

After getting checked into the room we made our way to the room, spending ten minutes in there together before Jon left to get something to eat from a takeaway down the street. I decided to take the time alone to take a hot shower and just relax on the bed. I tried in vain to control the thoughts in my head but nothing was working so I scrolled causally threw my phone hoping to come across something, anything that would amuse me when Jon walked through the door.

"Hey, get anything good?" I asked sitting up on the bed, a smile on my face once I see him only he had an annoyed look on his face. He placed the plastic bag filled with whatever he brought on the table; I noticed his phone in his other hand.

"Is there anything you want to tell me?" He asked looking over at me before throwing his phone on the bed next to me and placing his hands on his hips.

"What do you mean?"

"Saraya called." He said. I felt a pang of anger rushing through my body as I bite on my bottom lip, avoiding eye contact with him. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I didn't think it was a big deal." I tell him avoiding all forms of eye contact.

"You didn't think it was a big deal? You're abusive ex boyfriend gets a job at the company we work for and you knew about it but didn't tell anyone and it's not a big deal."


"Bullshit Stacey." Jon growled making me jump. "We can't keep doing this back and forth. I'm fucking sick of this. You want us to work therefore you need to talk to me."

"It was six years ago I am over it."

"You're over it? If you were over it you would have told me about it. Do you still have feeling for him?"

"NO" I yelled standing to my feet. "Hell no. I just didn't want this, I didn't want a fight."

"I'm not fighting with you Stacey I just want us to work and talk things through like we used to do. Not this cloak and dagger shit."

"I'm sorry" I tell him looking down at my hands in my lap. "I should have told you."

"Yeah you should have." Jon sighed running a hand down his face before taking a seat in front of me and grabbing my hands. "What is he doing here?"

"He is working under Doctor Sampson as a trainee Doctor."

"He is a doctor?"

"Yeah, apparently he went back to med school. I didn't think he would ever do it. He is a waste of space."

"Did he say anything else to you?"

"I told him to go away and he told me that it wasn't a nice way to talk to the man I love."

"Did you correct him? You don't love him right?"

"I do not love him. I don't even hate him. He is nothing to me. Nothing." I tell Jon looking into his eyes. "Joel came over and saved me before I replied, so I got out of there." I smile squeezing his hand in mine. "You believe me, don't you?"

"Of course" Jon replies after a few moments of silence. He continued to nod his head. "I just wish you could have told me Stacey, I really want this to work and I need you to want the same."

"I wish I told you, I was just scared."

"Scared of what?"

"Scared to say it out loud because I knew if I did, it made it real." 

Best Is Yet To Comeحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن