18; girl meets Valentine

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"You know, this whole Valentine’s Day thing is one big scam

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"You know, this whole Valentine’s Day thing is one big scam." Jack entered the living room where Eric and Delilah sat reading. "The greeting card companies, the candy stores, all trying to rip off the innocent consumer." He

"Got a fight?" Eric looked at the couple.

"She's standing me up! I am so lonely!" Jack talked and fake cried, making ths girl roll her eyes.

"Let me tell you something, my friend, rejoice in your solitude and kiss it on the lips." Eric stood up and walked towards the fridge as Jack sat on the aisle.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because having a date for Valentine’s Day is like having an IOU for the rest of your life." Eric took a soda and sat next to Jack.

"Yeah, you know, women take this day way too seriously." Jack looked at his girlfriend.

"I'm not the one crying over not having a date." Delilah talked not looking back.

"I'm not the one standing up my date." He snapped.

"Today is the day women turn their men into love-puppets." Eric said.

Then Shawn entered from the bedroom with a huge smile on his face and carrying a heart-shaped box of chocolates.

"Got a hot date, Pinocchio?" Jack asked his brother.

"I got her candy!" He smiled sweetly.

"Aw, never give a chick candy, man!" Eric snapped the box out of his hands, "Just give her the twenty bucks instead, she’ll appreciate the cash and maybe she’ll buy you something nice." He said making Delilah frown and then took a bite out of one of the chocolates, "What is this nougat?" He scrnched up his face in disgust, and put it back in the box.

"So my little brother likes someone enough to go on a Valentine’s Day date, huh?" Jack smirked.

"Yeah. Usually I find a reason not to show up, but..." He smiled, "I think I’m gonna make it to this one."

"Maybe that's where you got it from!" Jack said looking at the girl.

"Get over it!" Delilah shouted.

"Tell me you didn't brake up." Shawn talked in fear.

"No, but apparently she's got something better to do rather than spending Valentine's day with me." Jack explained.

"I'm sorry Jack! But unlike others, when my sister needs I'm going to put her above anything!" Delilah shouted and Jack sighed surprised at the girl's words.

"You’re really gonna do this, huh?" Jack talked with Shawn again trying to ignore the knot in his throat.

"Yeah, I really am." Shawn answered a little uncomfortabe.

Someone knocked on the door and the boys stood up to open.

"Love? We got love, huh?" Eric tried to lighten the mood.

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