he took the papers nodding he than thanked me, and I nodded turning around and leaving, but stopped when I felt a hand around my wrist, turning around I see Neji

before I could ask him what's wrong he hugs me, resting his head ontop of my shoulder

''whats the hug for'' I giggled, returning the hug back

''thank you'' he said completely ignoring my question, I then scoffed and hugged him tighter

''be careful in the war'' we said in unison. I pulled back from the hug and smiled at him, which he returned.

''I will be leaving to head to the cloud tomorrow, I don't know when I might see you again so please be careful and don't do anything reckless'' I leaned in and gave him a small kiss on the cheek

''I should be telling you that'' he closed his eyes as I pulled back, opening them again and looking at me, hesitanly putting both his hands on my cheeks bringing my face closer to his, giving me a kiss on my forehead

''please be safe'' he pulled away giving me a small smile before we both turned around leaving

I then went to some of the other clan in the village, I went to choji's clan, The Akamichi's, and gave them food pills to make them stronger, much stronger than any other pills, telling them it won't affect there health

and the next day I was getting ready to leave. I had to go help make plans and get myself ready for the war, arriving there they told me what I would be doing, and then pointed towards a chair

they said I will be giving the alllied shinobi some of my chakra before the war, so I would need to safe some and help out with other things, taking a seat on the chair, almost like acouch, and then started focusing my chakra

I was in the inner-mind talking to the tailed beast now

''could I use some of your chakra when the war starts I am afraid I won't have enough, with the Hyuga using my chakra and me giving chakra to the aliied shinobi forces'' I asked looking at the the tailed beast and they all nodded, and I thanked them

I was back at the cloud and felt someone tap my shouler, opening my eyes I see Gaara

''come the war is about to begin'' he started walking towards the door, and I followed behind, stepping outside I see alot of people and I mean alot

I stood next to Gaara looking down at the shinobi reconizing some of them. I immediatly sensed Kenji, Haruki and Akihiro's chakra, and looked towards them. I could see they were ready for the war, I looked at some of the others people I now, and I could tell they were ready as well

and so Gaara began his speech, motivating the others, and I couldn't help but smile

''before the war starts we have something for you'' he pointed towards me and I took that as a signal, so I put my hand in the air giving the allied shinobi chakra

''our chakra''

''it's increasing''

''I feel so much more powerful''

''lets get this war started''

I heard some of them yell, after I gave not only the allied shinobi force chakra but the peolpe who will be working at headquaters as well. I felt something drip down my nose, and wiped away the blood that came out of my noise, not really thinking much about it


a lot has happened. I was still in headquaters, I could feel some of the hyuga have used the papers I gave them, and the shinobi were fighting madara now

''why can't I go I can help them'' I asked shikaku slamming my hands on the table

''we need you here if you die what are the ones going to do who are using the papers you gave them, just a little longer then we will send you to fight'' he answered in a stern voice

I went back to the chair and once again focused on building up my chakra

now naruto and the shinobi were fighting madara and this guy named obito. They were standing on the ghetto statue and I once again insisted on me going but they said no I have a message to relay then I could go

I had to relay a message to the entire allied forces, shikaku put his hand on my head as he gave them all intstruction on what to do and how to emobilize the ghetto statue, after that their was blood coming out my nose again. I wiped it away so no one can notice, they also said i can go to the batte field

once i arrived the ghetto statue broke free and was about to send a tailed beast bomb towards everyone I quickly rushed towards it throwing a reverse summoning tag on it,

on my way here I placed another just far enough from here to send something there, there were no villages or anything nearby. I reversed summoned it and it vanished going to the other tag and exploded just after

I turned towards everyone and waved. You could see they were in a panic on what to do just now, I turned around the ghetto statue was firing tailed beasts bombs everywhere, and I had a bad feeling. I noticed it was pointing towards headquarters. Iwas going to get out another reverse summoning tags and throw it but just as I was about to throw it pain shot through my entire body, I could barely stay on my feet, I threw it but the tailed beast bomb was faster then the rest and I missed it by just an inch

I clutched my side and more blood was running down my nose now

I wiped it away and looked infront of me

neji, hinata and the head of the family were there now. I made my way towards them and stood next to them, he said somethinng about the hyuga being the mightiest among the leaf

they were going to attack but I stopped them. Itold them I would help them, I would get as close as I can and see what I can do and they nodded

once I got close I did a hand sign, a powerfull one, and it cut off 4 of the 10 tailed beasts tails

The 10 tails was screeching in pain the two on the ghetto statue were giving it more chakra causing its tails to go back to normal. I jumped back landing next to naruto I tried to heal him but I fell to the floor coughing up blood

I heard one of them talking about woodstyle cutting something jutsu I couldn't hear, everything around me was fading, luckily my eyesight was still fine. The next moment wood came out of the ghetto statue's hand, and it was killing a lot of shinobi

naruto rushed towards it doing the rasenshuriken but fell to the floor, one of those wood things were about to hit him but hinata saved him

he then once again shot wood things focusing it on naruto this time

hinata went infront of naruto protecting him, but neji went infront of hinata, it felt like the world slowed down as I saw the wood getting closer to Neji

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