"Greetings humans," he smiled widely.

A few of them rushed over, but some including Allura stayed put, obviously not as familiar with the God.

A few moments later, Thor approached them, still smiling.

"Ah, I have heard from my fellow friends so much about you all! You, guy with the wings, the twins - oh hey I've already met you guys back in Soko- never mind. Vision, android man, so good to see you again also. Oh, and metal arm man, Bucky is it. My deepest condolences, you've been through a lot, I hope you feel comfortable here. And, oh, I haven't heard anything about you..." Thor paused his greetings when he came across Allura.

"Allura, been here like two days so-"

"Well it is lovely to make your acquaintance, and I dare say you are very beautiful m-lady, I-"

"Thor, why don't I show you around the compound, there's been a few changes," Steve stepped in a and placed his hand on Thor's shoulder, guiding him out of the meeting room.

Clint must have noticed the bewildered look on Allura's face and smiled at her. "He's, how do I put this, a lot to take in, but you'll get used to it," he said with a slight laugh.

"I haven't got used to it yet," Pietro raised his hand.

"Clearly you got a lot of things to get used to man," Sam raised an eyebrow, gesturing towards Vision and Wanda who were talking at the other end of the table. Pietro just huffed in response and stormed out like a toddler.

Maybe staying here would be fun after all, the thought crossed Allura's mind.


"Okay, where the hell is the food in this place?" Allura shouted to herself as she slammed the fridge door.


Swiftly, Allura turned to see Steve leaning against the wall watching her with a slight frown. She rolled her eyes at him, muttering a low "whatever" and began looking in the cupboards.

"About the food," Steve began, "you do know there's a party tonight right. In an hour? There'll be plenty of food there, trust me."

Allura paused, still not facing him. "Oh shit, I should probably get ready for that." She started walking past him and up to her room.

"Yeah you should y'know," Steve called to her. "Nat and Wanda started getting ready ages ago.

The girl halted and turned once again towards him. "You think just because I'm a woman I can't get ready in an hour?"

"I didn't say that-"

"Watch me Rogers," Allura winked at him as she strode away.


A few minutes later, she was pacing up and down her room, hitting her head with her fists.

"You okay? My room's next door to yours and it didn't sound like it was going great in here," Nat smirked as she appeared silently in the doorway.

Allura jumped onto her bed face first and with a muffled voice answered, "Got nothing to wear."

"Oh yes you do. Come to my room, I'll have something for you to wear, babe," Natasha walked towards her and grabbed her wrist, pulling her into the next room. As she entered, Wanda was sitting there, in front of the full length mirror, curling her hair. Both girls already looked beautiful, and they weren't even finished yet.

Wanda looked up at Allura and gave a small smile. "Natasha has the biggest collections of dresses you'll ever see," she said with a slight laugh. Allura felt a hand on her shoulder and looked at Nat to see she had apparently already found her a dress.

"This is definitely what you're wearing , there's no other option," Nat simply said. Wanda appeared beside Nat and leaned her head on the other girl's shoulder and gasped slightly. "Yes I agree, it's perfect."

Allure studied the dress, and she had to admit it was perfect. It was short, but not too short to make her uncomfortable, and it was a soft plush velvet material, that would hug her figure. But the best part about it was it's colour, a deep purple, slightly intimidating but admirable all the same. Purple like the Hyacinth, purple like she was.

"Yeah this is it, thanks Nat," Allura smiled fondly at her, before heading towards the door.
"Where are you going?" Nat questioned.
"Uh back to my room?"
"To finish getting ready with what items exactly?" Nat smirked, folding her arms as if to say 'you know I'm right.'
"Come sit," Wanda gestured over to a chair. "I'll do your hair if you like."
"Oh you don't have to do that,"
"Don't worry love, I've finished everything except for getting dressed, we have plenty of time."
"I don't think we have that much time," Allura's brows furrowed in confused.
"Well we do if we're going to arrive fashionably late," Nat replied from the other side of the room.


"Well, we look hot."

The three girls were stood in front of the mirror beside each other, checking themselves to see if everything was good. Allura's hair had loose curls, with the front pieces dangling on the outer corner of her eyes. Her makeup wasn't too dramatic, just subtle dark eyeshadow outlining her eyes, blush and highlighter sitting comfortable on certain areas of her face. She finished applying clear lipgloss to her lips and then smoothed down her dress. The girls were right, the dress was truly perfect.

"Thanks for helping me."
"Don't mention it," Nat patted her back lightly.
"Yeah," Wanda agreed. "You're one of us now."
"You looking for someone special tonight Allura, there'll be plenty of sexy men and women out there you know," Nat inquired, raising an eyebrow.
"I don't know, if I'm honest I never really thought about it. Tonight I'll probably just have fun," her eyes drifted to the floor, uncertain about what was going to happen.
"As you should. Well we should get going for sure before fashionably late becomes just late."

To be continued.

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