#46 The amusement park

Start from the beginning

After waiting for what seemed like forever, it was finally our turn to get on. Our chairs were rising and I became increasingly more excited.

Sasuke on the other hand was staring at the ground beneath us with an almost scared look on his face.

"Hey you ok?" I asked and nudged his adm with my elbow.

"Huh? Oh yeah no I'm all good...wait this is the one that spins around isn't it"

I nodded my head and a horrified look crossed his face "do you not like the spinning part?"

He shook his head quickly "or the dropping part" I suppressed a small laugh and instead held his hand.

"Aww I don't think I've ever seen you actually scared before" I commented and rubbed tiny circles on the back of his hand with my thumb.

Usually before the rode drops there a click sound and once we heard it his grip on my hand tightened an intense amount.

I looked down and saw his knuckles were white. I felt bad for dragging him on the ride but I still raised my free arm with my heart pounding once the ride started to spin.

Now sasuke the chairs had been separated since we were spinning and I promised myself to make it up to sasuke once we got off the ride.

In the meantime I would enjoy the ride for all its worth. I let my arms and legs spread away from me as an exhilarated smile spread across my face.

My heart pounding in my chest as wind whipped at my face blowing my hair around. Sadly for me, the ride didn't last long and before I knew it I was being lowered back to the ground.

When the safety restraints were removed from everyone I hopped over to a clearly dizzy sasuke. I wrapped my arm around his waist and guided him away from the ride and also grabbed my crutches.

"I'm never doing that again" he mumbled and I led him over to a bench for him to sit down.

"Are you feeling ok?"

He nodded and I wrapped an arm around him "ok no more rides tonight then, I'll go get you some water or something" i told him and pointed to the food stand across from us.

He nodded and I stood up to limp over to the food stand. At the moment I was extremely grateful to myself for stealing my dads money otherwise I would have had to ask sasuke for money meanwhile he could barely walk.

I was greeted by a nice man at the counter who asked what I wanted. I told him just a bottle of water then payed him and walked back to sasuke who was now sitting up straighter rather than slouched over like before.

I sat down next next to him and handed him the water bottle. He took it and drank some before setting it down "thanks" he said and leaned against me.

"Yeah no problem, you feeling any better?"

He nodded and grasped my hand in his own "yeah, sorry for ruining it for you"

"Sasuke you didn't ruin anything. If you didn't like the ride then there's nothing you could have done about it" I said with a gentle tone "and anyway the place is probably gonna close for the night soon. How about we play a few games then go"

"Yeah ok that works" he sat up and I smiled.

"Ok which arcade do you wanna go to first!" I asked with my excitement from before flooding my voice yet again.

Sasuke pov
I was glad my sudden dim if mood and sick feeling hadn't ended up upsetting Naruto in any way.

Yet again he seemed just as cheerful as before. We played a bunch of different games and Naruto ended up with 3 new stuffed animals and I didn't really want anything so I gave him my tickets.

So in total he ended up with a fox, strawberry, and angry bird (yes like from the game) plushies. He also got a ton of candy which in his words were "absolutely necessary for his life".

Now we were on our way home and Naruto had fallen asleep with his face pressed against the window.

He hadn't even bothered to play music and ended up falling asleep five minutes through the way home.

I had to admit I was extremely tired to so it was a relief that I was pulling into my driveway.

I turned the car off and got out of the car stretching. I walked over to naruto's side of the car and picked him up along with all his stuff.

I don't know how I managed it but I got him inside and up into my room. I set him down on my bed and and took all the stuff out of his arms and organized it on the top of my dresser.

While over at my dresser I took out one of naruto's favorite hoodies and walked over to my bed.

I finally took notice of the shirt he was wearing and cringed 'thats one of the most uncomfortable shirts I own' I thought and I carefully removed the blue t-shirt and replaced it with the sweatshirt.

He stirred in my arms and I ran my hand through his hair to keep him asleep while I kayed down next to him.

I was planning on changing my shirt but normally if we didn't end up falling asleep on the couch I would sleep with my shirt off so I did just that.

I layed down beside him and tossed my shirt in the direction of my hamper. He mumbled something in his sleep and snuggled up to me.

A warm feeling filled my chest and I hugged him happily. I pressed a kiss onto his forehead before burying my face in his soft blonde hair.

A smile creeped its way onto my face and I happily drifted off to sleep. All in all I'd say today was a great day.





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