He remembered the words that the psychiatrist said to him when he consulted the guy, because he was too afraid if he send the doctor to you, it would tick you off instead.

"There are many faces of depression. Some people survive and live with depression for years without showing obvious symptoms, some people breaking apart as the result. I can't make a firm diagnosis unless I talk to her. But if one had resorted to suicide, an extensive consultation, treatment and medication are what she needs right now. And most important, try to find the roots of her mental breakdown, the trigger."

He didn't need to find it, he knew too well that he was the trigger. He was the root of your unhinged mind.

He was foolish, believing that his love for you was enough to sustain this relationship, if he could even call this relationship from the beginning.

Although somehow it was true that his love was what saved you in the end.
It was when he realized he loved you too much to let you die suffocated in his embrace.
Just like a beautiful butterfly that he couldn't keep in his grasp, he had to let it fly away to let it live.

He could learn to love you from afar, if that would give you the happiness you longed for. It was better to let you go, as long as he knew that you were alive, walking on the same ground as he was, even if both of you were thousand miles away.

Another string of smoke he took into his lung was like drug to him, it gave him a satisfying escape from reality. Especially when it helped him to forget about the pain of losing you, no matter how temporal.

He was a coward. As much as he wanted to see you, it dreaded him to meet you now. He didn't want to be shown his failure, how you could easily fall apart in front of him again, just like what happened a few months ago, before he knew about your pregnancy.

"I must say I'm impressed. I didn't see any word about her suicide in the news. Some damage control you did there. Although I'm sure you had to dive deep into your pocket to shut them up."

He closed his eyes while exhaling another puff of smoke.
"Nothing I can't afford. Money will always come."

He wondered if Seokjin knew how much money he had spent for the banquet. It was the right decision to set a separate account for the wedding, so Seokjin wasn't aware of the one billion won that went down the drain.

He had to pay a fortune to threaten the press and media to keep their silence about the incident, he had to avoid any pressure on you.
He even fed them the rumor about his impending arranged marriage with the Lees' daughter, to distract their attention from you.

When the baby is born later, he hoped you would change yourself, that the baby would awaken your mother instinct in the end.
If somehow you still don't want the baby, then he would raise it himself, while making sure you would get whatever you need later.

"Just because you have a Midas touch, doesn't mean you have to burn money unnecessarily."

"At least I don't resort to white powder. Give me some credit for that."
He rubbed the cigarette butt on the ashtray and reached for the vape pen next to it.
"This one has vanilla flavor, you'll probably like it."

His hyung's face contorted in disgust.
"No, thanks. I prefer to indulge my senses with vintage wine or spirit than burn my money for nothing. There's another reason why I'm here."

Yoongi feigned the hurt face while mockingly put his hand on his chest.
"Here I thought you really care about me."

"Cut it out Yoongs, you need to get a grip. The Lees have been asking about the arrangement. You gave your promise. I believe that you had done everything you could for her. You have to know when to give up."

His Pet ♤ Min Yoongi♤ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now