• Part 40 - Friendship Bracelets •

Start from the beginning

"You really think so?"

"Why of course! You remind me of her actually...not just in looks...but by the way you act...a pure heart with a mischievous mind"

I smiled.

Suddenly the doors behind me swung open to reveal...

Aw hell no.

Not this arse.

It was Lucius Malfoy.

With a strange looking house elf beside him.

I scowled at the tall platinum blond man.

He peered down at me.

His eyes widening.

"Dobby! So this is your master!"

Wait Harry knew this house elf?

"The family you serve is the Malfoy's?!"

The poor elf looked terrified.

Lucius scowled down at the elf.

"I'll dear with you later"

He then strutted past me, walking up to Dumbledores desk.

"Out of my way Pottah, so it's true...you have returned"

"When the governors learned that Arthur Weaslys daughter had been taken into the chamber they felt that I should be sent back"


"Curiously Lucius, several of them said that you would curse their families if they did not agree to suspend me in the first place"

I tried not to giggle.

"How dare you"

"I beg you pardon?"

"My biggest concern will always be and has always been to the welfare of this school and of course it's students"

When he said that he turned to me and Harry.

"The culprit has been identified I presume?"

"Oh yes"

"And? Who was it?"


Wait what?!


"Only this time he chose to act through somebody else by means of this"

Dumbledore then held up a simple black notebook with a hole through it and was covered in Blood.

"I see"

Suddenly Lucius flicked his robe beneath him and turned around.

"Come dobby...we're leaving"

As he walked of he then violently kicked dobby down the stairs and the little elf landed in front of me.

I then leant down to the elf and helped him up.

"Are you alright?"

"T-t-thank you Miss! Dobby does not need help though! Dobby can get up himself!"

Lucius then came behind the elf and smacked him over the head with his snake staff

"Hey! Don't treat him like that"

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