Part 33 - I wanna kill him

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I made my way round the quidditch arena with Blaise, Crabbe and Goyle by my side acting like bodyguards.

The sun lit up the arena as we sat down next to the rest of the Slytherins.

My friends always cheered me up with their stupid banter but nothing could make me feel better right now.

I mean V helped a little but it only lasted for a bit until it all kicked in...what I had to do.

I didn't want this, I don't want this.

But I have protect my friends and to protect myself.

The crowd around me cheered and jumped in the air with excitement as the players entered the field.

All this happiness made me feel sick, or maybe I just felt sick because the thoughts thumping in my brain.

Blaise nudged me.

"What's up dorkface?"

I given Blaise a death stare the glanced back at the pitch.


"Well something is up...your eyes are bright red"

"I just need to be left alone right now"

"Always so uptight riddle, you need to just relax"

I scowled at him and he sat back with a sigh,

"Okay dokey..."

I watched as Vaicey, Draco and the rest scored and took down the Griffindoors.

Him and Draco were really great but I struggled to cheer in my situation.

In fact I struggled to feel happy at all.

I just felt numb...

"I-Im the heir of Slytherin?!"

I shook my head from the thought.

It all was too much...

"You're not a real person, your a monster"

No. No I'm not a monster.

"You're not a real person, your a monster"

Stop it.

"You're not a real person your a monster"

Shut up.



The people around me jumped and turned around with terror in their eyes.

I quickly thought of an excuse for my outburst,

"Shut up those Griffindorks are pissing me off"

They all turned back around cautiously.

Blaise stared at me in shock.

"Merlins beard that was embarrassing to watch"

"Shut it"

"Yup. Don't have to tell me twice!"

He spun back round to watch the game.

Slytherin were doing amazing and harry nearly getting hit did make me a little more happy.

I looked towards the teachers stall.

That must be...Draco's father.

I've never seen him before but I knew it was him, That platinum hair was anything but ordinary.

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