• Part 5 - Like a fairytale •

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"So my mother's dead? Did he kill her? My father?"

They all exchanged looks

I looked at the old man.

"I'm not sure you want to know"

"I do...just tell me"

"Your mother...on the night I took you...jumped off the balcony...and she didn't make it...I really am sorry Lydia"

To say I was in shock was an understatement.

"I think I know enough"

I could barley breath.

My mother had committed suicide.

And all I could do was sit there dreaming of how my life could have been different.

That maybe if the old man had just left me with her.

And if she were alive.

I wandered what she looked like.

What she smelled like.

And to thunk that I'll never know...breaks my heart.


We sat quiet for most the ride.

Part of me wanted to ask more questions, to find out more about their world but, I couldn't face the fact that this whole time I had the power to stop Delilah, to stop Carly...

I felt so utterly useless.

Surely the giant in a softer tone raised his voice again,

"I er don' suppose ye'd like to stay w' meh until school starts?"

"Hagrid you've forgotten about the boy!"

"Oh' aye never mind' sorry"

"Thats alright, where will I be staying?"

"You can stay with me for now,"

The cat lady looked slightly frightened, but she'd looked frightened the minute I met her.

And I'd prefer to stay with her instead of a big smelly giant.


When we stepped out the carriage I was greeted by a massive castle.

It was beautiful.

Like something out of a fairytale.

"Welcome to Hogwarts!"

Said dumbledore his eyes sparkled slightly against the warm autumn sun,

"This is a school!"

"Not just any school, it's a magic school"

I couldn't quite believe my eyes.

It was all going so fast.

My parents stayed here, they fell in love here.

They were happy here.


McGonagall taught me many things over the next few days...she given me books, books and more bloody books.

I'd never read so much in my entire life, although I was starting to enjoy it.

I always enjoyed reading when I stayed with Delilah...when she kicked me out I'd go to the library.

 • Dangerous to dream •Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang