• Part 3 - Mail? •

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As I continued my path to the market I couldn't help but wander what had happened back there.

The mud.

It was just like magic.

Like something that only ever happens in story books.

As the cold autumn air pricked at my skin I heard a rustle of leaves next to me.

I looked down to see a cat it's big yellow eyes gleaming up at me.

It's patters we're so beautiful.

It wasn't bothering me so I decided to leave it alone.

As I wandered round the market I noticed that the cat had left.

Just disappeared into thin air.

I was just about to get it some fish too.

I still grabbed some trash salmon anyways just in case it came back.

Once I'd been in the shops I had three heavy bags full of groceries.

Delilah always told me to get three bags full or more.

That's just how she liked it.

But I think she done this just because knew I had to carry them.

Especially as we lived on a sort of hill.

I was pretty small as well so it's not like my arms are very long and I don't get a lot to eat so I'm pretty skinny for my age.

And that's why I hate getting all this shopping as well...because even though she gets enough to feed a whole family...I still have to eat the left overs.

My arms were killing me.

The weight of the bags literally crippled me.

As I started to hike my way up a hill the cat reappeared again this time it was on a tall wall above me.

It suddenly jumped down towards me. I leaped back In freight.

I landed in my arse dropping all the bags with me.

Thank fuck none of them burst.

"Bloody hell! What's wrong with you crazy cat?!"

But something about this cat wasn't right. It was as if it knew me.

It just sat there tilting its head and staring into my soul.

It's yellow eyes burning my green eyes.

Maybe it was a stray.

I sat up and began to approach the little feline.

I checked it's neck to see if there was a collar but there wasn't...poor thing must have been abandoned.

I then remembered the salmon I had bought.

I grabbed it out of one of the bags and fed it to the small cat.

It wolfed it down.

"Are you like me? Abandoned?...I can't take you with me but if you want we can meet right here and give each other some company?"

The cat all of a sudden jumped a little, it's eyes grew dark...

"What's wrong kitty?"

And with that it sprinted away...



Before I got to the door I decided to check if we had mail.

I wasn't supposed to but I'd always hoped that I got a letter...maybe from my parents telling me that they were coming to save me and take me away...

That never really happened though.

I knew Delilah would kill me if she found out I did this...but it was worth a shot.

There were yoga retreat flyers, mind reading sessions, church flyers, Crystal flyers...and a letter?

Delilah never got letters...

Wait a second...Is that my name?

I didn't have any pen pals, in fact I didn't have any "pals"

It was a golden brown shade...

On the front it read,

Mrs L. Riddle
The house with the pink door

My heart raced.

It was written with a beautiful emerald green ink.

And there was no delivery stamp meaning... was this delivered by hand?!

As I turned the envelope over, my hands shook uncontrollably, there was a purple wax seal bearing a coat of arms; a lion, an eagle, a badger and a snake surrounding the letter 'H'.

I carefully opened the envelope so that if it wasn't for me then I could seal it back easily.

Inside it read:

Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry

Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
( order of Merlin, first class, grand sorc., chf. Warlock, supreme Mugwump, international comfed. Of wizards)

Dear Mrs Lydia Riddle,
We are pleased to inform you that you have a place at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Please find enclosed list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than the 31 July.

Yours sincerely,

Minerva mcgonagal
Deputy headmistress

What the fuck is this?

Witchcraft? And wizardry?

Was this a joke? Is it even for me? It's my name but who's riddle? Is that my parents name!?
Was my dream actually coming true?! Was I going to meet them?!

My head buzzed and my limbs started to become weak.

The hot autumn sun shone down on me through the clouds burning me slightly.

Suddenly the bags dropped along with the flyers.

I felt like I could puke.

I stumbled back still holding the letter reading it over and over again and again.

I tried to keep my eyes open but it was becoming impossible.

My vision went fuzzy.

I then heard the same rustle of leaves I had heard when I saw the cat.

I turned my head and there the cat was, running towards me.

Until the cat turned into a person dressed in weird clothes and...

Holy shit...

What in the fuckery is going on?

Am I seeing things?

Oh fuck am I dying?!

My legs collapsed beneath me.

I then fell to the ground and felt I rush of pain from the back of my head paralyse me.

My body went numb and everything...just...stopped.

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