• Part 32 - Second chance •

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I woke up fresh...but by myself, usually V would be shaking me till it hurt.

But no...in fact V was still sound asleep...it wasn't like V but maybe he was getting his quidditch beauty sleep after all today is super important.

I needed to ask him about Blaise though.

And if...he likes him...

But...the worst part is that Blaise is completely straight...so how could this end well.

I quietly approached his bed.

And went to shake him awake and get payback for every morning he done it to me...but just as I touched him he disappeared in a cloud of dust along with room.

It swirled around me until it disappeared and I found myself in the forbidden forest once again.

No no no this can't be happening...not now...not after everything going so well.

And this can only mean...he's back.

"Morning princessssss"

My heart raced.

"Did you like that little vision I made? Rather smart"

I searched around.

"You should have seen yourself...pathetic"

Tears pricked my eyes out of pure fear.

"You know...I'm very disappointed in you, we could have ruled together...I could have given you everything...why did you save him?"

His voice was spiteful and I could feel his presence all around me,

"I couldn't let him die...I'm not a monster like you!"

"We both know that's not true"

"Shut up! You don't even know me!"

"Oh princess, I know everything about you...I know all your secrets and thoughts and lies"

My hands shook and my eyes burned.

"See...you're exactly like me...getting angry at the littlest things wanting to hurt those who wrong you"

"Stop it."

"No...I'm giving you a second chance...a chance to prove yourself to me...to show that your not as weak as you seem"

"I don't want a second chance!!!"


I was pushed down face first into the ground getting held to the cold mud...the small pieces of gravel piercing my skin.


"Then except my offer"


He pushed me harder...by back bending beneath his force...if he pushed any harder...It felt like I'd snap in half.




And with that the pressure released and I slowly made my way to standing.

"Good...I knew you'd give in easily"

My cheek bled from being punctured from the small sharp stones on the forest ground.

"What do you want"

I bowed my head hopelessly...he had me wrapped around his finger once again.

 • Dangerous to dream •حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن