• Part 21 - Alone again •

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I limped my way to Snape's office.

As the pain grew I felt myself cool down and the real me come back.

My head buzzed...and what just happened was just blurry mess.

Snape was the closest person I could find.

I went to knock but he opened the door before I could.

Then he saw the state I was in and he rushed me inside and sat me on his desk.

"What in merlins name happened to you?!"

"I-I got in a fight"

"Of course you did"

"I'm really sorry!"

"You realise you could get expelled"

"I doubt that'll happen"

He got some cloth and dabbed healer on them.

I lifted my shirt to reveal massive yellow and purple, bloody bruises.

I winced as he dabbed them.

"Who did this to you Miss Riddle?"

"I'm not exactly sure but they were much older than me from what I remember"


"Yeah there was two of them..."

"Are you kidding?!"

Snape's eyes grew with worry and guilt.

"No, but I-I-I think got them back...badly..."

"What do you mean...?"

His eyes showed fear now.

He then stormed away holding my hand and dragging me behind.

The minute he entered the whispers stopped and the room grew quiet.

There eyes pierced my skin.

He made his way to the centre of the room and his eyes widened.

There was a boy sitting up breathing rapidly and drinking water.

When he saw me he started to tremble and back away.

The other boy was passed out with a...bleeding twisted leg.

No way did I fucking do that...

"Lydia! What have you done?!"

"I-I don't know!"

Vaicey was crying over by the couches with Blaise, Draco, Crabbe and Goyle.

No...no...I remember...I remember all now.

The fight...and what I said...to V...

I had this feeling in my chest.

My heart hurt so badly.

This feeling...was I unwell...was I dying?

It stung so bad.

My eyes became glassy from tears but I didn't let them fall.

I couldn't let them fall, not now, not ever.

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