• Part 43 - So soon •

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Their hand was cold and held a tight grip around my mouth,

Eyes of ice blue burned into my brain...the rush from his scent sent shivers down my spine...he smelled of pine...lavender...peppermint and something sweet...I couldn't it out, it was so familiar yet I had no idea what it was.

Draco lay on top of me, I had almost forgotten everything that just happened because of him, what the fuck was that thing out there and fucking Pansy?! I mean...did Draco like her now too?

I tried to talk but he held his grip tighter, suddenly the lights came back on and the train began moving again.

We sat up, Draco's cheeks were red and so were mine.

"S-sorry I shouldn't have pushed you like that it's just that thing and I didn't want you to get hurt and you know are you okay?...but yeah like whatever!"

I laughed at Draco's embarrassment. "Thanks, and yes I'm fine thanks to you...what was that thing?"

"I'm pretty sure it was a dementor, they usually are at Azkaban so god knows what it was doing here...I think it's probably got something to do with pottah...I can't wait for a another year of making his life miserable..."

"Anyways...Pansy, are you really friends with her?"

"No...it's complicated, our parents think that we should be friends but she can be really fucking annoying sometimes"

"Annoying? Ugh I just hate her! And V didn't even stick up for me!"

"What happened?"

"Me and Pansy were arguing and he took her side! I just can't believe him..."

"He'll soon realise how annoying she really is don't worry about it, remember you guys are best friends"

"I know"

Me and Draco ended up talking for ages about our summers and what we wanna do when we get to Hogwarts...all our conversations just came so naturally.

We were almost at Hogwarts so I decided to go get changed. As I came into the bathroom there was a younger girl that seemed to be in her first year.

She had brown soft curled hair and was pale and skinny, as she turned to me her eyes widened... "omg...your...your Lydia Riddle!"

"Umm yeah...nice to meet you too I suppose"

"I'm sorry that was so rude of me! I-I'm Astoria Greengrass! My umm sister is in your year, Daphne Greengrass do you know her?"

"Not really...she's friends with a bitch"


I walked into a stall and got changed, I always loved wearing my uniform, it made me look cute.

I came back out and Astoria was nowhere to be seen. The train stopped and I went to get my trunk. I couldn't find Draco or anyone else they must have all left before me.

As I was getting my trunk Harry came over to me. His hair had grown out and he had rosy cheeks.

"Lydia! It's good to see you...wow you look so different! In a good way!"

"Umm thanks Harry...you look good too I suppose, how are you?"

"Oh I'm fine, what about you"

"I'm okay..."

"Do you wanna come with me, Ron and Hermione on the coaches"

"Sure why the hell not..."

I got in the carriage, Hermione looked different...pretty and Ron hadn't changed much.

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⏰ Última actualización: Nov 16, 2021 ⏰

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