• Part 4 - The truth •

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My head was spinning.

I could hear people talking.

"You're the one who placed her at the wrong door Albus! She will stay with me until the school year begins!"

"Minerva! Don't be foolish!"

"FOOLISH! I'll tell you what's foolish Albus! Making a promise to Rose and then breaking it by placing her only child at the wrong door!"

Wrong door? Who are these people?

Wait I remember that name...Albus and I also remember Minerva...the letter!

These are people from that school!

Am I dreaming right now?

Although I couldn't wake up if I tried, my eyes were too heavy and my head was still pounding.


All of a sudden I felt a shoot of ice run through my whole body and i jolted up.

What. The. Fuck.

An older woman sat in front of me holding a stick in my direction.

I recognised her too.

Holy moly! It's the cat! I mean...woman...cat...woman cat.

There were three people staring at me.

There was one guy who looked so old he was practically at heavens gates.

And there was an enormous guy with and enormous beard

and the older was woman cat was extremely thin.

But I still couldn't take my eyes of the big guy.

I'd never seen anything like him.

He was just...so big.

The woman cat pursed her thin lips then spoke,

"Hello dear, how's your head?"

"My head? Wha-"

I felt my head, it was hot...I looked down at my hand and saw thick crimson blood.

My jaw dropped and my eyes widened.

Oh fuck me...that's a lot of blood.

"Am-m I...d-dead?!"

I then jumped out of my skin at the loud voice of the massive man,

"O' corse not ye silly billy!"

The giant had a strong accent, I could barley understand him.

"Who are you people?! An-and where are you taking me!?"

It was at this moment I realised I was in a moving carriage.

I began to shake uncontrollably.

I could feel a panic attack approaching.

I'm being fucking kidnapped by a Grampa, a Cat and a Giant!

I freaked out and said the fist thing that came to my pounding head,

"I-I I have superpowers so if you try to hurt me I-I'll make sure you regret it!"

Then the old man spoke, for a second I thought he wasn't able,

"Don't worry Lydia...we're like you...well we don't call them superpowers but...we have magic, you see Mrs riddle you're just like us, magic"


I sounded dumb. But what was I supposed to say?

oH yEaH I tOTAlly kNeW tHaT

The giant's booming voice thundered in the small carriage again.

"Yer'a witch Lydia!"

"I'm a what?"

"A witch"

Was this a joke? Did Carly do this? I mean she is rich so she probably could do this.

"Did Carly pay you to do this to me? Because it's not funny!"

"Carly? Who's Carly"

The woman was confused. Did they really not know?

"Is this a joke? A prank?"

The old man stared blankly at me

"Mrs riddle, do you not know anything? Did your family not tell you?"

The woman cat the shot her head at the old man.


Damn she sounded pisssssssed.

"Family? Do you mean Delilah? She's not my family, I don't really have a family...they left me on her doorstep"

The old man's eyes glistened...

"I'm so so sorry Lydia..."

"What for?"

"I left you there. On the doorstep, I thought there was a family inside but, I must have been wrong"


My eyes burned, my whole life I've been abused, ridiculed and tortured by Delilah all for some old man to tell me he made a mistake!

The giant was trembling and sinking further away from me, the woman also shifted further away...were they scared of me?

"Lydia, please calm down...I'm sorry."

"Sorry isn't good enough!!! What about my parents! Where are they!"

"I think it's best you don't know just yet, you have a lot to think about,"

"NO! I have the right to know!"

"Okay, but please calm down."


"You're mother and father met at Hogwarts, my school and the one you will be attending, they fell in love instantly...your father then engaged your mother in their last year with that necklace...
Although Tom, your father, had a lust for power,
And he wouldn't stop until he got exactly that, and he did...he became the most powerful wizard of all time, but he was evil, he tortured and killed the innocent to get his way...and once he had power over the whole wizarding world...he wanted you,
To make you into a killing machine, he would have abused your power for his own good.
I helped your mother, Rose, hide from him...your mother was the most beautiful woman known and that's exactly why Tom had wanted her so badly and once he had her he let himself go...but when she found out that she was pregnant she left Tom, she knew of his darkness.
But she wouldn't be safe forever and that's why I came to take you to the muggle world where you would be safe and unharmed, but your mother...didn't make it. I was in shock from your mothers death and must have placed you at the wrong door, I'm forever sorry Lydia,"

My head throbbed.

Holy crap...

I looked at the old man...how could he not have known for sure that he was giving me to a family...why didn't he make sure I was safe?

It was so much to take in...

My father is an evil psychopath,

My mother is dead,

I'm a powerful witch,

What more could a girl want!

My life is worse than I thought it was.


I spaced out.

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