Episode 2 "Cold Days"

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Jazabella wakes up from her long tiring nap. She gets up walking down stairs in a blue crop tops and gym shorts with white knee high socks. Her father was talking to some of his work buddies in the living room, luckily for her! The kitchen had its own door and blocked off windows to block the view of seeing anyone! So Jazabella just sneaks on over.. but of course- her wonderful and idiotic excuse of a brother just had to be right in there with her. Meet! Toad, that's his nickname. His real name is Lance bluent North. He would be 17, broud shoulders, blue-green eyes, rather thick muscular build. Weighing exactly 286pounds while being 6'3. "Toad what the fuck!?" Jazabella says just a lil bit louder then expected. Her father rushes in holding a shotgun filled with silver holy bullets. "What's wrong?!" He looks at his daughter and then slams the door on his friends in a heart beat. "Jaz? What did I tell you about dressing like that when we have guest over? Especially male guest." Jazabella looks upset and was about to say something but was stopped by her brother. "Why don't just.. not look? Their looking at a seventeen year old girl in a sexual way for what reason?" The psychic witch looks at Toad with a smile and he returns with a larger smile. The two bust into laughter while their back father looks at the two in confusion. "Fine! You got a jacket?" Toad gives her a medium size sweater that stops at her knees. "Thanks!" Jazabella says going to her room passing the older men, starring at her weirdly..

Once upstairs, the feeling of someone in her room caught Jazabella off guard. She leaned in, pulling out her pen and busted in through the door throwing the pen in the direction of the slight noise! To her surprise it wasn't a thief- so to speak. Instead it was another hunter. "Auora." Auora has Long curly dark brown hair with white streaks in the front, dark icy blue eyes and full lips. She is 5'6 and has a slim muscular build and lastly freckles on her both of her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. "Hello little one. How is the day of the worlds best hunters family?" Auora says, cold as ever. "Fine. Why are you here?" Her father pops up from behind Jazabella and walks in. "You and her are going on a mission!" He says rather excited. Jazabella looks at her father then cold hearted female. "If I say no, is there a punishment?" Her father stares her down and simply nods. The psychic witch groans heavily to which she just agrees to it. "Fine." Auora laughs slightly. "Get ready. We gonna need to be stealthy. And I know you don't really go into battles anyways." Auora says jumping out the window, disappearing into the shadows. "I hate this." After a good three hours, Jaz finally gets up from her resting bed and changes into a black cloak, thigh high black heels with a dark purple bodysuit. She walks downstairs, seeing her father brother Lance just waiting for her. The two hug and toads gives her a silver dagger. "She easily caught off guard is what we been told but the witch use of time magic is the most dangerous part. Finish her- what's wrong?"

Toad gets on one knee to meet her height. "I don't wanna do this! I don't wanna kill a witch who has never hurt me or anyone!" Lance hugs Jaz, stopping the tears from flowing. "You gotta be strong. It's ok to be upset but not here.. not with- her around you. You got this. I know you'll do what you believe is right." Auora walks in through the front door. It's cold and rainy in the dark skies. Jazabella wipes her tears and goes with Auora. It was a rather quiet and uncomfortable car ride. Jazabella was listening to music on her headphones while Auora was just looking at a pendant around her own neck. The pendent was icy blue in the shape of a snowflake. "What are you?" Auora says. Of course Jazabella didn't here, so she rips the earphone out of her the girl ear. "Hey! Focus." Jazabella eyes flash light purple for a hot sec. Luckily Auora didn't see it in time. "Wha-" the Car stops. The driver says that they have reached the destination. Jaz gets out and before Auora even thinks of leaving she rips the man heart out and leave a small ice cube in the spot of where his heart was. Watching it beat in her hand was rather amusing. But to no surprise.. There was no blood. So the sneaky hunter gets out and follows after the little psychic witch. "I'll just be in the back lines." Jaz says pulling out her medical supplies. "No you're coming with me." And before Jaz can even get a weird in she was knocked out by Auora so quickly. Nearly twelve minutes later Jazabella wakes up.. lifting herself slightly up unable to understand what had happened the right way but she did know that the bitch holding her down and covering her mouth was to blame.

"The fuck is wrong with you!?-" Jaz was caught off guard by Auora pushing her against a wall. "Shut up. If you are to loud then we'll be caught, do you really believe I would waste a mission all because of your petty childish nonsense?" Auora says flipping her hair rather annoyed. "Can it troll!" Jaz says getting up walking down the hallway with no care. She turns a corner with the meet of a gun directly in her face. "No." Is all Jaz says, making the guard drop his gun. The ice assassin comes from behind the wall and slits the man neck, once his body falls she drops a large bag of ice on his face. "Don't do that!" Jaz rolls her eyes at the comment. "Down the hall is the witch." Jazabella says "But she's off the tracks- how did you know that?" Jazabella looks at Auora confused face. She just shrugs and walks away flipping her hair. Once at the door Jazabella just kicks it in. "Oh?" The witch turns to see the two females. "Hello.. Whom might you two be?" The witch of time, some time, all times.. She isn't the only witch like this and won't he the last.. Bella.. Bella has light blue eyes, a silk black ponytail, medium full lips with bright red lipstick and is 5'9. She has olive skin in a beautiful flame see through dress.(Lower part is see through, as in legs.) "To take you down!" Jazabella was still debating on what to do.. "Of course you are. Jazabella notice she's casting a spell in her head. So just as the witch is about to open her mouth! Jazabella did a Wanda Maximoff hand symbol, activating her own offense Magic and lifted up the floor to block the fireball coming their way. Auora turns to Jazabella in complete fear. "Y-you're a WITCH!?"

Jaz turns to her. "Shut it cube!" Jazabella uses her magical-telekinesis to fly herself over while simultaneously creating a shield around herself and her partner. "You are with the wrong friends, hun." The time witch says rather truthful. "They'll kill you straight away. We'll forgive you for this.." Jazabella looks at Auora dumping ice on the guards lifeless body. So she uses her telekinetic power, throwing the witch into the wall twice. She's still smiling, " Damit"Jazabella throws her out the window and into the woods. Placing herself on the ground while also removing her shield Jazabella looks at Auora. "Mhmmhm. That was fun." Auora says. "You snitchin ain't you? About my magic?" Auora smirks. "Magic? What magic?" Auora says acting clueless and walks away. "Find your own way home!" Auora says disappearing into the darkness. "Of course." The psychic witch says levitating herself off the ground flies off back home!

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