🦢 | heather

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kang haneul

we didn't have any classes today as it was the day before the festival and a week away from graduation.

we were all seated inside the room, just chilling with ms. lee before we actually get things done and this is why ms. lee is the most favorite teacher.

i was busy drawing, when i didn't notice that ms. lee was calling my name until june pinched my cheek. and it hurt.

"what the fuck dude?" i whispered.

"don't 'whAt tHE fUCk duDE' me. ms. lee is calling you!" she retorted, and i felt embarrassed right now while the whole class snickered hearing me curse.

"y-yes, ms. lee?" i looked up to her grinning face, and put down my sketchbook and pen.

"mind giving us a hint about the song you wrote?" she asks, and the class cheered. june began to shake me, as i never showed her the lyrics of the song i made.

"can i write the lyric on the board?" i ask, standing from my seat.

ms. lee nods and hands me a chalk, and i proceeded to write.

'she's got you mesmerized,

while i die.'

a series of 'oohs' erupted from the class and told me to write more but i shook my head. 

"the others are gonna be revealed by tomorrow!" i reply, a grin on my face. i stood beside the board and ms. lee asked me another question.

"what's the title of this song, ms. kang?" she looked at me, fully knowing who the song was for. and to answer her question, i haven't thought about that.

i put my hand under my chin, and tried to think of something and then there's the lightbulb.

"ahA! heather!"

"explain, ms. kang"

"the word 'heather' is usually associated with people who are very likeable or in other words, famous. 'heather' is commonly used among students though." i say, and another series of cheers were heard while ms. lee raised a brow.

"ain't that you?" june exclaims and grinned and the others agreed, while i just shook my head, laughing.

"and how does this word 'heather' relate to the song?" ms. lee continues to ask me.

i smiled, "well, the theme is about unrequited love, right?"

and ms. lee nods in confirmation.

"the song is about the relationship of two people as friends, whether it be of the same gender or not. that person has liked his or her friend for years but never told the other of how they really felt, thinking that their confession would ruin the friendship they created.

you're maybe thinking, 'why didn't they just confess?', well that's because that person had spent their whole life, listening to their friend talk about the person they like. hurts right?

and to think that you've liked them for years, yet they're completely oblivious to that fact, to the point that they've on talking about the person they like, while you're silently breaking inside,

pretending to be happy for your friend.

what's worse is, the person they like is someone who's really famous and likeable by everyone, deeming that person a 'heather', or as what they like to call it. even if they were a 'heather' themselves, that person who their untold feelings kept inside, would never have them returned.

both the friend, and the person they like may both be 'heathers', but the friend will always remember that they're not his or her 'heather' but the other."

i finished explaining and the whole class was quiet, and i could see some already crying, and one of them was june.

"damn you, woman..." june mutters, aggressively wiping away her tears.

i laughed at my friend and looked at ms. lee who was smiling at me.

"tell me, ms. kang, how do you write your lyrics? have you ever experienced them before?" she asks me, and now had a mischievous grin on her face, fully aware that the song is about jeno.

i mentally facepalmed, regretting about how i spilled everything to ms. lee.

the whole class erupted in whispers, lowly muttering 'impossible', 'whAT' and many more.

i smiled sadly, and nodded, and my classmates began to yell 'who huRT YOU'. and in the corner of my eye i see some of the dreamies snickering to themselves and one whose face was shocked and confused.

"it's the first self-written song that i can relate to." i only laughed it off, and returned to my seat. june who was beside me began to rub my back, when she noticed that i was beginning to tear up.

"you sure i can't kill him?" she grumbles out, which i laughed and shook my head in disapproval.

"maybe, break his nose a little?"

"june!" i smacked her head, and she groaned in pain. it was almost time for us to start rehearsing, and ms. lee already left the room.

meanwhile, one person who sat it the back with his friends was left to think to himself.

"i've been friends with her since grade school and she didn't tell me anything about liking someone..."

he muttered lowly, not noticing that his friends around him heard his words and sadly sighed for their friend.

HEATHER, lee jeno。Where stories live. Discover now