.54 - chocolate strawberry

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The three were now working full time for Weasley's Wizard Wheezes. The business was going extremely well which made the twins more energetic then they usually were out of pure happiness. The twins were the ones to help the customers and restock products while Evelyn would clean up and work the cashier. Evelyn handed a mother and her son a bag of goodies, giving a friendly goodbye. As they left Fred went behind the counter and peppered kisses on Evelyn's neck.

"This isn't work appropriate." Evelyn giggled as she gently pushed Fred's lips off her skin. He'd purposely left a mark on the back of her neck were no one could really see it as he knew she was always embarrassed when a hickey was out in the open.

"George has allowed us the last two hours off." Fred told Evelyn, connecting their hands and swinging her arms with his. "Only if we clean the shop when we return."

"Well what will we do in this time?" Evelyn asked Fred, wanting to know his plans desperately. She felt Fred move his hands to hold her waist as he smiled.

"Go get dressed in something prettier than what your already wearing." Evelyn raised an eyebrow at this comment as she only wore mom jeans, a white top tucked into the jeans, and one of Fred's plaid button ups as a jacket.

She didn't say anything else before nodding, kissing Fred's jawline then running upstairs to the flat. Evelyn put on a cute flowy white dress along with black flats before meeting Fred back downstairs. He was now in a white button up, black pants, and black shoes. He kissed Evelyn's head and took her hand before apperating the two away.

Fred had a love for picnic's which is why many of their dates was one. The location always changed which is why Evelyn never got too tired of them. This time the picnic was in an empty field that held nothing but a few sunflowers dotted around. He sat them on the blanket and handed Evelyn a bowl of strawberries while he got himself a bowl of chocolate chips.

The two had conversations on what they're dream home would be like, their favorite plants, how they miss Hogwarts, and other things. It didn't feel like a date but simply like Evelyn was just relaxing with her best friend. Fred was laid on his back as Evelyn finished off her strawberries. Only an hour had passed.

"Freddie." Evelyn mumbled as she took a chocolate chip from Fred's bowl.

"Hm?" He hummed in response, his eyes closed as a breeze whisked over them making Evelyn admire the tree's leaving as they swayed.

"When did you start liking me?" She asked calmly.

She turned back to Fred and saw him staring at her with a grin. Evelyn smiled back as she waited for an answer. Fred rolled over onto his stomach and seemed to be thinking. He thought for only a minute before speaking.

"I always found you breathtaking as many did." Fred sat up and continued. "I knew I had a sort of feeling toward you when you gave me that green clip for my birthday at the Quidditch game. I forget why though."

"I didn't give it to you." Evelyn laughed. "You took it from my hair and said you'd return it if Slytherin won. Which they didn't so you never did. I believe I gave you a chain with a snake charm for that birthday."

"I still have the clip. And that chain." Fred told her. "It's in the top beside drawer. Now, you tell me when you finally let the Weasley charms take you."

"The Yule Ball." Evelyn answered simply. "It was truly a romantic night."

"Mm I loved that night." Fred hummed dreamily. "You looked so pretty in your dress I wanted to kiss you."

"Why didn't you?" Evelyn asked as Fred moved to lay on his back. He was in a position where his head was right under Evelyn's making her appear upside-down for him.

"No idea." Fred shrugged before moving back to sit up straight, seeming to not be comfortable anywhere he laid. "But, I can now." He then took the back of Evelyn's neck into his hand and brought them into a kiss. The mix of strawberry on Evelyn's tongue and chocolate on Fred's simply made the kiss more enjoyable.

original my beloved evelyn ~ fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now