.26 - triwizard tournament

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As the Great Hall was filled with chatter Fred Weasley's eyes watched in awe as Evelyn Malfoy walked in the room. It felt like a spotlight was on her and her only as her skin glowed and her smile appeared as her eyes glanced over at him. Fred shut his slightly open mouth and wet his lips as he turned away from the Slytherin who you'd think was wearing a skimpy, showing outfit but no. She was wearing her robes. Before they could begin dinner, Dumbledore cleared his throat for his yearly beginning of the year speech. Everyone had been sorted already so the older kids were getting impatient.

"Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event." Dumbledore began as the kids waited in anticipation, now curious on what he was talking about and why they needed dress robes. "The Triwizard Tournament." Evelyn felt a bit of confusion but didn't feel too embarrassed as it looked like almost everyone else did too. "For those of you who do not know, the Triwizard tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests." Dumbledore explained clearly. 

"From each school, one contestant is selected to compete. Let me be clear on this, if chosen you stand alone and trust me when I say these contests are not for the faint hearted." Tension grew in the room from excitement to slight fear. "Now please welcome the lovely ladies of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic their headmistress Madam Maxine."

Evelyn's heart dropped and Fred watched as it did so. Everyone's attention was brought to the doors where the girls dressed in the usual blue uniforms entered the room, a whole routine planned as they basically seduced the students. Evelyn caught sight of a few girls she recognized and looked away with a red face. Madam Maxine entered and greeted Dumbledore before the girls all moved to sit at the Ravenclaw table making Evelyn sigh in relief. She then realized Fred was staring in awe of the girls making her rather jealous but didn't know he was watching her most of the time as they entered.

"Now please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and the high master, Igor Karkaroff!" Dumbledore announced again as applause broke out.

Evelyn looked down as Igor entered the Great Hall with the boys, knowing him as she saw him in the Manor a few times. She looked back up and saw a few of the Durmstrang boys looking in her direction making her look down at the table in embarrassment which she heard a deep attractive chuckle from one of them. Fred furrowed his eyebrows as he watched them pass, now getting the treatment the girls got when the beautiful girls walked in as the handsome boys passed.

Evelyn looked back up to the Ravenclaw table and saw a few girls staring at her then turning to whisper to the girl beside them. As soon as dinner ended Evelyn left in a rush. Fred followed her without a word. He caught up to her and saw she was walking down to her dorms. He then went to walk beside her and she glanced up at him before to her feet.

"Are you alright?" Fred asked her softly. Half talking about the Burrow then half about Beauxbatons.

"Yes. Perfect." Evelyn lied through her teeth with a convincing smile. "About both things. Burrow and Beauxbatons. I was only sent to my room which is good and currently I'm only nervous about seeing certain girls."

"You'll be alright." Fred smiled making her stomach flip and her knees go weak but she stayed calm on the outside. "I can prank them if you'd like."

"I would." Evelyn laughed which was music to Fred's ears. She looked away from his eyes before back to them with a smile as they continued to walk. "Speaking of pranks, why did you and George never prank me? I mean you'd take a book or two but never anything like you've done before. I expected hair dye in my shampoo or something."

The truth was, George wanted to prank her but Fred avoided it. His excuse used to be that she'd tell Draco then he'd make it hell for Ron but it was really because he didn't want her embarrassed as most of their pranks were very public.

"We were terrified of you." Fred half lied. "At first. Don't get cocky." Evelyn giggled lightly. "Then recently we just didn't want to. Filch and other kids are better targets. Especially Ravenclaw's. So smart but never expecting it."

Evelyn hummed slightly before arriving at the descending staircase. She bit her bottom lip and glanced at her feet before taking a breath. She put herself on her tip-toes to reach Fred's ear.

"Night Freddie." She whispered before pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek then walking down the stairs which made it appear like she was perfectly calm but really she was smiling so hard it hurt. Fred then went extremely red and said nothing in return to avoid a voice crack before standing there like an idiot for a moment then leaving as the Slytherin's would be arriving soon.

original my beloved evelyn ~ fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now