.44 - dinner

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They all sat silently at the dinner table, their forks clicking against the plate making a bit of noise along with faint chewing. Hermione had arrived and sat beside Ron while Evelyn was in between both George and Fred. Evelyn stayed quiet as Mrs. Weasley began to ask about the Hogwarts classes. Hermione gladly perked up and began speaking. The Weasley siblings occasionally began to bicker but it was settled quickly as they were rather scared of their mother. Somehow, the topic of marriage came up and Mrs. Weasley turned to Evelyn.

"What do you want your wedding to be like, dear?" Molly asked kindly, a sweet smile across her cheeks.

"Oh. Well, I've always wanted the other person to ask Lucius for permission but that is out of the picture really." Evelyn explained. "Besides that I never thought much of my wedding. Narcissa was the one who'd plan everything and I'd have no say."

Fred frowned and his brow wrinkled down. He sat back in his seat, still watching Evelyn who's focus was on Mrs. Weasley. Before Evelyn or Fred could say anything Molly began ranting on how her parent's shouldn't pick everything. Evelyn sat in silence and nodded every so often to show she was listening. She was listening but halfway, occasionally getting lost in her thoughts.

"It's really alright." Evelyn told Mrs. Weasley, finally interrupting after five minutes. Ron then perked up with his own question for Evelyn to fill the silence afterward.

"What are those gala's like? Fred's told us that you've gone to a few."

"Well, they're rather long. Most men are drunk while their wives have to keep them standing if they have one." Evelyn explained whilst picking at her broccoli. "Younger girls are usually trying to get paired with someone and overly flirting. The women gossip a lot and talk awfully about their husbands." Evelyn smiled slightly before looking back up to the table. "A few men are rather inappropriate drunks but that's really it."

"Inappropriate?" Molly questioned eagerly, one brow lifted high as the other was furrowed down. "Inappropriate how?"

"They just, stare at me in certain areas." Evelyn didn't really want to describe every detail tell Molly Weasley all about how they'd stare at her cleavage then grope her as they passed. "Nothing awful I suppose. I mean Lucius tells me it's rude to block anything so I just pretend to go use the restroom."

"How is it rude to not want to be stared at?" Molly scoffed disgustedly, throwing herself back in her chair slightly.

Before another rant could go on Evelyn excused herself to get some air. She simply sat outside on the grass, leaning her back against the Weasley's home. Soon enough she heard a knock on the wood and turned to see Fred Weasley ever so handsomely leaning against the doorway, staring down at her.

"Evening." Fred greeted as Evelyn gave a chuckled hum in return. He sat beside her with a grunt before a comfortable silence filled the air. "Sorry about Mum. She gets rather irritated with these things I guess."

"Fred I love your mother." Evelyn assured as she stared up at the stars glittered into the black sky. "She's so caring. I thought she'd hate me honestly."

"I think she loves you more than she loves Georgie and I." Fred chuckled before going silent as Evelyn gently laid her head onto his shoulder. He leant into the warmth and the both of them knew they loved one another. Perhaps platonically but whatever love they felt, they'd confess sooner or later. Sooner the better.

original my beloved evelyn ~ fred weasleyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt