.27 - two old men

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There was a room dedicated to holding the Goblet of Fire which burned a blue flame whenever a name was placed inside. Evelyn sat in there to finish her work and also watch the underage students try to enter. She would giggle in a tone only she could hear as she subtlety watched the girls try and woo the Durmstrang boys then a few Hogwarts boy's try and woo the Beauxbatons girls. Evelyn did her best to ignore the constant flashbacks of the teasing as the trio of girls passed her daily, glares and whispers coming from them. The thoughts rushed back as Evelyn watched both them and Alexander walk in at practically the same time.

"Go away already." Evelyn sighed as she furrowed her eyebrows in frustration, her expression a bit sadder than usual and tired. Alexander ignored her and sat down to her left.

"See this?" Alexander whispered in her ear making her flinch and surprise. He directed her eyes to his slightly rolled up sleeve showing part of his Dark Mark. Evelyn shoved his sleeve down wide eyed. "You'll get it soon. Just like me."

"No." Evelyn told him in a confident but worrying whisper. "I won't be getting it. Now go before-"

"Before what?" A girly voice asked her. Evelyn turned with a huff escaping her lips as she saw the three beauties from Beauxbatons. 

At that moment both Fred and George ran inside the room, their hands clasped around something as they high fived a few smiling and laughing students like the kings they seemed to be. Fred glanced over at Evelyn with a smile across his face before slowly listening in on the conversation.

"Evelyn!" The blonde to the middle girl's left exclaimed happily as if they were old friends. "We missed you so much!"

"Why'd you leave again?" The girl to the right asked in a fake questionable tone. "Because we, bullied you?" She laughed.

"Where'd you get that idea?" The middle girl pouted. Evelyn didn't know they're names nor did she want to. Her hands were clenched and her jaw shut tightly. "We were only teasing you. You know, like friends do."

"Friends? Your serious?" Evelyn scoffed with a laugh and now a smile across her face. She stood to her feet and fumbled for her wand in her pocket as she spoke. "I'll fucking hex you again and this time it'll be fucking permanent-"

Before she could even take her hand out of her pocket which held her wand tightly a freckled firm hand gently pushed it back down into the pocket. Evelyn looked up clueless and saw Fred's pretty brown eyes staring at her warmly.

"I think there's not point of taking your wand out as they've left." Fred told Evelyn who turned her head to where the trio stood but they were gone. Alexander was still beside her though. Thankfully, Fred took care of that and moved to the other side of her body and sat down where Alexander was, making the boy scoot to the side quickly to avoid being crushed. George was standing before her with a clever smile.

"What did you do now?" Evelyn sighed as she knew that awful look from Fred.

"We found a way to enter the tournament." George told her as he held up the vial, shaking the clear bubbly liquid inside with a smile.

"Why would you want to do that?" Evelyn asked with a scoff, turning to Fred who was still grinning but his expression more confused.

One reason was for the reward of a thousand galleons to open their joke shop and another reason was because Fred thought it would impress Evelyn in some way, George thinking the same way about Angelina Johnson.

"Why not?" Fred answered with a slight shrug. "See, the potion ages us just a few months as our birthdays are so soon and we'll be of age. It'll let us pass the age line that Hermione told us about over and over again."

"Dumbledore's too clever to not see this coming." Evelyn warned the twins jokingly. They only shrugged and Fred stood up to link arms with his twin.

"Ready Fred?" George asked his brother with a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.

"Ready George." They both then tipped the liquid into their mouths and shivered slightly as they unlinked their arms. 

Evelyn laughed slightly as they held hands and stood at the age line but a brow raised as they hopped over it with no big booms or explosions shoving them out. Cheers erupted before they were sent flying to the floor. Evelyn watched curiously as they turned old. Crazy white hair and long beards with wrinkles. The twins began to pretend to fight, rolling on the floor with one another as the students laughed. There was a whistle which made Evelyn turn to Alexander who then stepped over the age line effortlessly and placed his name into the goblet which then spit blue flames out. Fred frowned at this and glanced between the boy and his fiancé, Evelyn. He hated to admit it but he was rather jealous of him.

Evelyn sighed and stood up, her books held properly in front of her body as she stepped toward the boy with a cat like grin. "I hope you die the first round." She told him coolly then walked in between Fred and George who still sat on the floor and to the open doorway where Dumbledore stood. "Afternoon Headmaster." Evelyn said with a blank expression before leaving. Fred caught sight of Dumbledore watching her exit then was surprised when he turned to him and raised his two grey eyebrows making Fred go red.

original my beloved evelyn ~ fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now