.1 - greetings.

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S E P T E M B E R   1 9 9 3

Evelyn walked through Kings Cross with a confidence suddenly bursting through her body. She had changed much over the summer as that's when she began to rebel against her parents much more than they'd like.

Her then long blonde locks were now a short bob which ended just an inch above her shoulder. She'd learned to do simple make up and now had a more feminine style in clothing, wearing skirts, dresses, heels and such. She felt much more grown now even though she was merely fifteen, a fifth year.

She passed through the invisible wall and gazed at the Hogwarts Express with ease. She walked down the pathway, people moving aside for her without a word. A few people were scared of her which she didn't exactly understand but ignored it anyways. She had on a flowy black silk skirt which had a black belt holding it in place with a gold buckle. Matching this, Evelyn wore a cropped velvet dark green top that had a V-neck. She was glittered with gold and silver jewelry and wore black combat boots.

"Right." Evelyn gave a small sigh as she turned back to her parents, Draco following with crossed arms as he was now more moody than usual. She hated to admit she missed when he would cuddle her and look up to her like a goddess. "Say whatever you need to say before I go."

Narcissa began her usual speech. 'Be a Malfoy my dear'. That really just meant be an asshole to anyone below you and try to find a pureblood husband. Her mother was much more different than she thought as a child. Now as she grew older, all she thought of was Evelyn getting married to someone respectable to them.

 Evelyn glanced boredly to her right, her hands in front of her body in a proper manner. She saw the Weasley family saying their usual goodbyes to not only their children but Hermione Granger and Harry Potter as well. Evelyn locked eyes with the one of the boy's in her year. Fred Weasley. George, his twin brother, was in her year as well but he didn't catch her eye as much as Fred. He was just so, Fred. Even though they looked and almost acted the exact same she felt they couldn't be more different.

"Evelyn." Suddenly Lucius had grabbed her jaw and forced her head over and up to look him in the eyes. She glared at him as he sent a deadly expression her way, pulling her head from his grip. "Did you hear your mother?" He took her wrist to keep her in place, his grip wasn't awfully tight but still uncomfortable.

"Lucius." Narcissa warned in a low whisper and glanced around as if they were being watched.

"Yes Lucius." Evelyn said in a fake sweet tone, a fake smile on her face. She knew he hated being called 'Lucius' by her which is only why that was his only name in her mind now. "I understand completely. Now let go." She grabbed his wrist, forcing his hand off her arm. She took her trunk from her floor, turned around and walked to the train. As she walked she glanced back to Fred who was watching her. She paid no mind to him and kept walking.

"Is that blush I see Freddie?" George teased his brother, poking his cheek and knowing damn well who he was watching. Molly only rolled her eyes.

She walked over to Fred, holding his cheeks and kissing his forehead while Fred bent down to allow her to do so, gently holding her wrists before connecting their hands when she pulled away.

"Be good." Molly warned, holding a stern finger out. "No mischief or your Father will have a howler sent in the hour!"

"When do I ever disappoint?" Fred smirked before Molly gave him a slap on the chest and moved on to Ron and his friends. Fred turned to George, immediately frowning. "I was not blushing you arse."

"Those pink cheeks tell me otherwise." George gave a raised eyebrow to his twin. Fred huffed and looked away.

"Shut up." Fred mumbled, having no argument. To George, he won the small argument but to Fred it was just on pause until he had a way to cover up the fact he was actually blushing.

Evelyn Malfoy. Refused his and George's friendship the first year she arrived to Hogwarts with the reason being her parents hated his. She was beautiful back at the age of thirteen but was a goddess now, he'd never admit that though. She was rebellious and just perfect in Fred's eyes. She had the perfect smile, eyes, personality, just everything about her was perfection to him. Her house could be better knowing the Slytherins were arses but none of the other houses suited her as much. The fact that she was kicked out of Beauxbatons for unknown reason just made Fred fall for her more. He would never show it. That was a deep deep feeling he would never dig up and share to anyone, even George. She was a bitch sometimes, fighting other students and hex them whenever they said the slightest thing about her or her idiot brother.

Fred turned and saw her settling in a compartment, her blonde hair pointing her out in an instant, before he was turning back to his family.

Evelyn was now gazing out of the window. She watched in boredom as the Weasley's began to board the train. Fred and her made a brief eye contact. He didn't grin or look upset but just had a plain expression. He stared at her before his younger sister pushed him forward. Evelyn sat back in her seat, her eyebrows furrowed in a weird confusion. Before she knew it, they had set off.

original my beloved evelyn ~ fred weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now