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A/n: alright alright alright alright, this is like, purely smut besides the shit leading up to it, so if you're not into that wait for the next chapter cus that'll be fluff 😀 blah blah blah. also I'm sorry that it's another Karlnap, it's just a lot easier to write smut with two people ;-; I have a really long chapter with all three coming up soon tho so- and yeah the word cock🤢IS REALLY FUCKING WEIRD- ON WITH THE STORY!

God, four years of grammar and writing classes and this is what I decide to do with it🥲🔫 FUCKITY FUCK LIFE DUDE-


"Kaarrrrrlllllll!!" Sapnap whined, leaning in the open door and swaying the door back and forth.

"No, Sapnap. I'm busy." Karl said, once again unfazed by his lovers attempts at attention getting.

"But you've been working all weeeeeeeeeekkkkkkk!!" Sapnap continued to whine like this for about ten minutes until Karl finally snapped.

"That's it, I'm done! Sapnap, get out of my office." Karl said spinning in his chair to look his lover in the eyes.

Sapnap was taken aback, not used to this kind of attitude coming from Karl.

"No." The younger said flatly. "I want you."

Karl looked at him for a second before continuing his work without a word. Sapnap thought for a moment.. he didn't say no...

Sapnap walked over to Karl and tapped his shoulder, urging him to get up for a moment or two. The older did so and Sapnap sat down, taking his lover into his lap.

Karl gave him the side-eye as to warn him not to do anything else, but Sapnap just smirked and told Karl to continue his work.

"So, what're you doing?" Sapnap asked in a slow, deep tone. Karl could feel his hot breath cover the surface of his neck, giving him small tingles around his neck.

"I'm.. uh.. I'm coding the next Tales of the Smp world.." Karl replied, trying to show no notice of the hot breath fanning over him.

Sapnap knew what he was doing, he knew all the boys sweet spots and weaknesses. One of the youngers favorite activities was teasing the older, abusing certain spots that he knew made Karl go wild.

Sapnap released a long sigh, another huge puff of warm air spreading down his neck and down his shirt, shivering as it went. Sapnap smirked as the boy atop him squirmed and shifted.

"And how's that going?" Sapnap said, almost whispering into Karl's ear.

Karl squeezed his eyes shut and let out a shaky breath before continuing his work. Sapnap hated being ignored. He brought his hand up to the olders hair and pulled it back roughly, repeating the question.

"I said, how's that going?"

"G-good, good, it's going good-" Karl replied quickly, throwing his head back and cutting himself off by covering his mouth and barely muffling the whine coming through.

Sapnap pulled Karl's hand away from his mouth with the hand not in Karl's hair.

"Continue coding, pretty boy." Sapnap said in a teasing tone while releasing the boy's wrist. Karl let out a whimper before putting his hands back to the keyboard and beginning to type, hoping to forget about the hand slightly tugging at his hair.

Sapnap added his extra hand to Karl's hair, gliding his fingers through it.

Sapnap became impatient. He brought his lips down to Karl's neck and began lightly sucking and biting on it, stopping at a few different spots that gave a better reaction then the others and sticking there a bit longer.

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