Locked in(karlnapity)

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Requested by: @No_Name_Just_Stories

A/n: their married in this one

A/n: this might suck cus I'm tired and hungry✌️😚🔫

Karl had always been the jumpy type, getting scared by little things. He even used to be afraid of his own shadow, of course he grew out of that one though. One of the fears he didn't grow out of was lighting; not really the looked, or fear of getting struck down, but the noise.

It reminded him a bit too much of a gunshot. Ever since he was young he remembered hiding in little closets or under tables, curling up inside or under anything he could find. This habit followed him into adulthood.

Luckily, I'm Kinoko Kingdom, there was never much rain, let alone lightning. It's the reason him and his fiancés chose to go there in the first place; they knew it wouldn't be too scary for Karl.

At least they thought.

Karl was home alone due to Quackity working on Las Nevadas and Sapnap training with Dream and George. He was sitting on the couch when he heard it; thunder...

It immediately made him jump out of his seat. He could already feel tears forming. They aren't here.. they can't help.. I'm gonna get struck by lightning.. I'm gonna die and I won't even get to say goodbye.. the intrusive thoughts began to penetrate his brain, giving him more of a fright then he would have wished for.

Don't do it don't do it don't do it- he was going to continuously repeat this in his head, resisting the urge to go and hide, but at the next sound of thunder, he broke. He ran to the bedroom he shared with his lovers, grabbed a pillow and a blanket, and bolted to the closet.

It was small, making it one of his favorite places to hide. He shut the door and locked it from the inside, a trait he added himself in case of these situations. His husbands both had a key to the closet so Karl never got locked in accidentally, so Karl felt safe.

What Karl didn't know was that Quackity had lost his key and Sapnap broke his thinking it went to a different door of the house.

Karl had set up a little box in there that had a case of waters and some snacks. He always wanted to be prepared, knowing his fears would get to him all too easily. He set up the pillow and blanket and laid down, feeling the tears escape his eyes and fill his cheeks, each one taking the same pattern as the last.

He grabbed one of the waters and took a few sips before deciding to try and sleep.

He fell asleep and woke back up several times, the thunder merciless. It wouldn't be as bad if they were with him, Sapnap and Quackity. They always knew how to make his anxiety calm down.

But they had something to deal with, something about Dream and Technoblade being tyrants again. Karl would have gone, but due to him recently time traveling, he wasn't feeling well and had passed out multiple times in the past few days.

At last, he finally fell asleep, unaffected by the noise anymore.


Quackity and Sapnap were on their way home, stalking through the dark and foggy forest which was the fastest route.

Quackity now had a huge scar across his mouth due to techno finally fulfilling his promise of putting an axe through his teeth, which he had lost one of.

Sapnaps chest plate was long gone and he had a million tiny scars all over his hand which was cut up by the glass he had to shove his hand through.

They felt bad because they heard a storm started by their house; they knew when they got home Karl would be cowering in the closet.

They had tried to leave right after the battle, but due to their injuries, Nikki, Sam and Puffy made them stay for medical purposes.

When they finally got to Kinoko Kingdom, the lightning was striking more than anything they'd ever seen. They immediately ran inside, going straight to the bedroom and taking their armor off.

They walked over to the closet and softly knocked on it, hearing no response. They wiggled the doorknob to find no response, so they assumed he was asleep.

Quackity went looking for the spare key they kept for the closet, but found nothing. They decided lay in bed, watch some tv, and wait until Karl woke up.

About an hour later, they head stirring from inside the closet, sounds of a few water bottles falling and very faint yawns.

They walked over to the closet and sat down by the door, Sapnap knocked lightly.

"Hey, baby. Sorry we couldn't get home sooner. We couldn't find any of our keys, or else we would have joined you." Quackity said sweetly. He was always strangely soft with Karl, nobody, not even him, understood why.

"Can you let us in?" Sapnap requested.

Karl lifted himself up onto his knees and began to fiddle with the lock, becoming more worried by the second.

"Th-the lock- I-it won't come undone-!" Karl said in a frantic tone.

"Alrighh, calm down. Do you have a key with you in there?" Sapnap asked.

"Y-yes.." Karl responded.

"Pass it under the door."

Sapnap retrieved the key from the slit underneath the door and began inserting it into the lock, turning it the wrong way before finally getting it right.

"Doofus.." Quackity mumbled with a laugh.

"Rude-" Sapnap whispered with a smirk.

He fully opened the door and Karl fell out. The two boys immediately locked their gaze on him.

His tear stained, red cheeks, the way his fluffy brown hair was getting stuck on his beautiful lips. His sparkling eyes that had the slightest golden tint.

They loved everything about him.

Sapnap picked up the seemingly tired boy and brought him to the bed, laying him down and tucking the blankets around him.

"What happened to you guys? You're all scratched up and bruised.." Karl said worriedly.

"We're ok, we got the aid needed." Quackity assured him.

"Yeah, just a little battle is all." Sapnap said, backing up the other boy.

Karl brought Quackity into a kiss, then doing the same to Sapnap. He then fell back on the pillow and held his arms out like a child, begging his lovers to join him.

Sapnap and Quackity got dressed in some pajamas and joined Karl in bed, and they all fell asleep cuddling each other. (C r i n g e)

A/n: bad ending, I know, cheesy, blah blah blah. It's literally 5:30 a.m. for me right now and I've had no sleep so uh- yeah. Hope you enjoyed this piece of shit ;-; (thanks for the reads and votes btw!)

Word count: 1150

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