"- Whatever you choose to tell me... it's more than enough," Fred says, cutting her off, trying to put her at ease. It seems to work, since Carina relaxes into his arms, melting against him. "I am always here. D'you understand, Carina?" He's here to support her, to stand by her side through it all. Carina is her own person, she's strong and powerful in her own right. The girl nods slowly, trying to let herself fall, trying to let herself trust. "I will never force you into anything, physical or emotional. That's a promise. You can count on it. Alright?"

Again, Carina offers him a small nod, turning her head and finally facing him. She's met with a teary eyed Fred, his eyes shiny, his cheeks flushed with anger and pain, beautiful red hair matted against his forehead. "Alright," whispers Carina, leaning up and kissing his lips, sealing their promise. "Thank you."

"Don't," mumbles Fred, kissing her forehead chastely. "It's the least you deserve. Believe me. I wish I could do more for you," he says quietly.

Carina chuckles at his words, rolling her eyes, trying to lighten the situation, "More? Merlin... Don't go all Gryffindor on me." Fred squints at her, a small, yet playful grin appearing on his face. "I thought Hermione was the overachiever of the group," adds Carina, finally earning a breathy laugh. Her smile grows when she feels Fred's chest rumbling against her. "Should I start calling you Granger then, Weasley?"

"You can call me anything you want, darling," flirts Fred, smile stretching even wider when Carina snorts, softly elbowing him in the ribs. "I'm being nice!" He claims, feigning offence.

"You? Nice? Nice my arse!" Retorts Carina, shaking her head.

"Your arse is more than nice, sweetheart," smirks Fred, making her laugh louder than she intended to.

The couple stays in the bathtub for twenty more minutes, leaning into each other in more ways than one. Fred caresses her arms, intertwining their fingers, pouring warm water over her hair and running his fingers through her scalp. The green eyed girl rests her head on his shoulder, nuzzling her nose against his neck, a loving smile on her face. "Are you going home for the summer holidays?" Asks Fred breaking the silence.

Carina hums, nodding slightly, "I can't not," she replies. She misses Remus and Sirius more than she ever thought she would. Its new for her - missing a parent. Carina can't quite believe how much she feels like she needs to see them.

"Oh," murmurs Fred, his heart dropping at the thought. "I wanted to ask you to join me at the Burrow," he admits, his arms around her waist, thumbs stroking her tummy softly.

"George asked me already," chuckles Carina, "I told him I wouldn't be able to make it, I thought he would've mentioned it..." though, they were in the middle of a fight when that happened. "Maybe you could come over to our flat for a week or two instead?" Offers the black haired girl, turning back to look at Fred, who's eyebrows raise at the question. "You don't have to, Weasley, breathe."

"No, no," starts Fred, shaking his head. "I would - I would love to join you... I just..." am scared out of my mind to meet your father and see Professor Lupin again, knowing everything I know now. "Wouldn't know what to tell your parents," he settles on saying. Carina can't help the small smirk that grows on her face at the lost expression on Fred's. "I mean, would we say we're friends? Would you tell them about -" us? Can I say us? "What we - you -"

Carina decides to put him out of his misery, cutting him off. "- I told them we were dating," she says, her heart fluttering as Fred's face flushes with an emotion she can't quite read. "I would've told them you're my boyfriend but a week after I mentioned we were dating, all hell broke loose..." she says simply, shrugging. "Tonks has been writing and asking about our status relentlessly. Thank Merlin papa has kept my dad at bay."

for the one i love ; fred weasleyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin