Day 30: Weapon Collection

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Prompt: first word you think of

Well the first thing I thought of was "E", which is, of course, not a word.  After a few inappropriate responses I finally coaxed my childlike scattered excuse of a brain into giving me a word I can use.  With Ninjago on my mind the word was "weapon."  Probably set as recent as possible, after season 13 ~

"I miss our Elemental Blades"  Jay leaned back into the couch and gazed up at the rafters of the monastery, daydreaming.

"I miss the Golden Weapons"  Cole's grip on the controller slipped as he imagined himself with his old scythe.

"Technically we still have those"  Zane pointed out.

"Yeah, but they're just depowered display pieces now.  I miss when we first had them and there was so much to learn... I feel like there's so much they could do that we'll never get to see now."

"Indeed.  My shurikens held an odd power, a sensation when I held them, that I still can't adequately describe to this day.  I would have liked very much to have learned more.  They are the weapons that created the world, after all."

"The elemental swords we got on the Dark Island were stronger for us, though"  Jay cut back in, defending his choice of weapon.  "I sure miss my Storm Jet and I am best with nunchucks, but that sword made me really feel powerful.  Like it took something inside me and made it ten times stronger!"

"Something we now know to be true, as we are descendants of elemental masters."

"True, I guess it was amplifying a power within"  Jay agreed.  "Why do we get rid of these things, anyway?"

"What, like we'd just hold on to a massive arsenal of various weapons?"  Cole asked.

"Yes!  Imagine if we'd had those blades for the Nindroid crisis.  Or if we'd reforged the Golden Armor into weapons again years earlier?"

Cole considered the idea for a moment.  "Yeah, you're right!  You know what?  I'm keeping my new mace, and the armor.  From now on let's not send our stuff to a vault or hide it in some obscure place."

"That would be exceedingly unwise," Zane cut in, "numerous weapons and artifacts we have encountered have proven to be quite deadly.  Keeping them anywhere but a high security vault would inevitably lead to greater conflict."

"Not everything we've ever found, I just mean we should've kept our weapons.  Where could they be safer than in the hands of Ninjago's greatest protectors?"

"As I said before a high sec-"

"I know, I know.  I thought you were able to recognize rhetorical questions now"  Jay snapped.  

"Very well,"  Zane conceded, "I have run the scenarios and statistically, keeping our own weapons here has a fair chance of going well."

"Ha-ha! I knew you'd see it my way.  Speaking of weapons, has anyone seen my kusarigama?"

~ I don't know.  Most of the way through I realized this story didn't have much of a point, but that's what you get for 100% improvising lol.  I do wish the elemental blades would return.  They're one of my favorites and one of the only ones that doesn't really have any explanation at all as to why they're gone.

I've mentioned it in another story but since it's an obscure word I'd never heard of - a kusarigama is a chain-like weapon, kind of like nunchucks but one end is a handle and one is a blade, so you don't swing it either direction.  It's the thing Jay has starting in season 11.

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