Day 16: Human Flesh

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Prompt: "you're overreacting"

Takes place between seasons 10 and 11 ~

"I'm going into the city to run a few errands.  I will return shortly"  Zane announced as he left the game room.

Jay sat up in his spot, leaning forward to watch Zane until he was out of sight.  After a few more moments he spoke up.  "So," he cleared his throat awkwardly, "are we ever gonna talk about Zane's tongue?"

"What?"  Nya dropped her phone into her lap to stare at Jay.  Kai almost choked on his drink trying not to laugh.

"Why would we talk about that?"  Lloyd asked incredulously.

"It's pink!"

"And?"  Cole asked, pausing his game.  They were all starting at Jay in confusion.

"He's a robot now!  Why is it flesh and blood?  Shouldn't it be silver, or something?  How did he connect a regular tongue to his body, and where did he get it?  Oh my gosh guys, he must have hurt someone and taken their tongue!"  Jay started breathing rapidly, talking faster as he panicked.  "What if he's a serial killer and he keeps body parts, maybe he needed a tongue and developed a taste for murder!"

"You're overreacting.  Big time, at that" Kai said disbelievingly.  "For one thing, if he was a murderer, we would have found out a long time ago.  He lives in the same place as us!"

"Yeah, if he was disappearing at weird hours all the time at least one of us would have noticed" Lloyd chimed in.

"Well maybe he doesn't do it that often, maybe it's rare enough that we don't realize he's continually going away at weird times!  Or maybe he just has a good excuse, none of us would question him if he said he had a solo mission.  Or... if he was going into the city to run errands..."

"What, like he's out killing somebody right now? There's no way! ...Right?"  Cole wavered slightly as he considered Jay's story.

"How can we even be discussing this seriously?"  Nya asked.  "We know him.  Even if he could somehow get away with that, Zane is such a kind person.  He'd never even consider doing that kind of thing."

"Then where did he get a human tongue?" Jay countered.

The others all fell silent.  Not even Jay truly believed Zane was a serial killer, but nobody could answer the question.

"How does he... maintain it, too?"  Cole broke the silence.  "I mean without a normal human body for it to be connected to a nervous system, blood flow, and all that.. wouldn't it decay?  He's not... getting continued replacements... is he?"

Huddled together talking in hushed tones, none of the ninja heard the door slide open quietly.  The soft glow of blue lights illuminated the darkened room, yet still they continued whispering.  Zane cleared his throat loudly.

All five ninja shrieked and screamed at the same time, tripping over each other and trying not to look guilty.

"This has gotten crazy.  Let's just ask him"  Jay nudged Cole.

"Okay, go right ahead."

"I came up with the idea so it's your turn to contribute!"

"Fine" Cole hissed.  "So, Zane.. we were just wondering, mostly Jay, where did you get that.. tongue?  It's... not robotic."  Jay shot Cole a nasty look for ratting him out but said nothing.

Zane looked at them quizzically for a moment before a mischievous look flashed across his eyes.  "I found a willing donor."

"W-where are they now?"

"Oh, I haven't seen them in some time.  I doubt anyone will be seeing them soon."

The titanium ninja left the room with his last remark hanging in the air.  The others looked at each other and broke out into nervous laughter.  Zane's sense of humor had definitely improved over the years... probably.

~  Never forget Zane can be the ultimate troll sometimes.. hopefully...

Also, why does he have a pink tongue?  Is it metal but painted, or what?  I seriously want to know where he got that.  Somebody ask the creators

No, I am not on crack.  Yes, I am mentally unstable.  But you want to know the answer too, admit it. :)  How did I get to this point.  I'm happy to be here though

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