Day 2: What? It's Catchy

120 7 11

Prompt: Inspired by a song

This prompt stumped me for a while, I couldn't think of a good song I could make into a story.. until I realized the most obvious choice there was for a Ninjago song was perfect! 

Set between seasons 9 & 10, right after "The Weekend Drill". For anyone who doesn't know that's a canon short that came out to explain the first wave of legacy sets and bridge the gap between 9 and 10. If you've never seen it, I highly recommend watching it! I've linked it above. He only says it's a present but I'm assuming birthday. ~ 

"Best birthday ever!" Cole smiled to himself as he hopped out of his present from Nya and Jay, his old Earth Driller, rebuilt to be even better than the original.  He pressed a button on the remote control and the cockpit slid closed.  Cole danced up the first few steps leading to the Monastery of Spinjitzu, turning back to grin at his gift one more time.  It was a shame the ninja had to park their vehicles at the base of the mountain, but there wasn't exactly a lot of extra real estate on the peak of a mountain to park an array of massive vehicles.  Maybe they could make a vehicle bay on the side of the mountain, Cole mused.  He shrugged his thoughts away and hummed his favorite song, unbothered by the hundreds of steps he had to go yet before he was home.


"Cole's still gone?" Jay asked, disturbing Zane from his late evening meditation in the courtyard.

"Yes," he replied, "It seems your and Nya's gift was most appreciated."

"Aw, well.. it wasn't that big of a deal." Jay tried to answer modestly, though truthfully he was quite proud of himself.  They'd had to remake the vehicle from scratch, with the original designs having been lost years ago. 

"I believe Cole has returned. Perhaps you can ask him if the gift was enjoyable." Zane said, nodding toward the front gates. A few seconds later, Cole passed through humming cheerfully.  Sometimes Jay forgot just how good Zane's hearing was.  He'd have to be quieter at certain times, he resolved.

"Hey Cole! How was the Driller? Everything working ok?" 

"It's perfect! There was a breakout at Kryptarium, the drill works beautifully, but I don't think the warden likes me anymore. It's been great to have a birthday where we're not busy fighting for all of Ninjago.  Still, it's pretty late so I'm off!" Cole brushed between them and went inside, mumbling the lyrics to a song again. "And then we jump back do it again.."

"What song is that? It sounds familiar." Jay wondered aloud.

"Searching based on the lyrics," Zane said, going silent for a moment before he started to play a song through his speakers.

"It's time for training and we're getting started, it's on you know"

"I remember, I love this song! Turn it up Zane!" Jay interrupted.

"And we wanna see you whip and shout it- we rock, you roll. They say, go slow, and everything just stands so still. We say, go, go!"

"Can you turn that down?! Some of us are trying to sleep!" Kai's irritated tone came from somewhere inside. The music stopped and Kai grunted angrily, rolling over in bed.  Jay had no concept of disturbing people, and Zane was too nice to tell him to just go to sleep.  Kai settled down and almost fell back asleep, but he couldn't help continue the lyrics in his head. 

Marchsters of Spinjitzu!Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz