Day 9: Mouth of Lightning

78 4 4

Prompt: "it's four am"

Set after season 13 because that's when the characters are around the ages mentioned ~

"Should we arrest Zane?"

The question came to her in the middle of the night.  Her adorable, funny, annoying, endlessly energetic Yin had poked her until the woke up just to ask a stupid question.

"No"  Nya replied tersely.  She rolled back over, thinking the matter settled.

"Hold on, you gotta let me explain"  Jay interrupted her sleep again.  "I just had the realization.  With how long he was in the Never-Realm, and how long ago his dad told us he first built him, he's like, 106!"

"So?"  Nya didn't really care where Jay was going with this.

"And, Pixal is like what, 4?  Isn't that kind of messed up?"

What?  Nya rolled over to face him.  "What in the world?  You want to talk about the ethics of a relationship of two robots?"

"Nindroids.  And yeah, I mean we need to decide if there's something that needs to be done.  Is that legal?"

"It's four am."

"I know, I shouldn't be doubting our friend like this.  I'm not saying Zane has done anything wrong, he probably doesn't even understand.  And I mean, if we do have to send him to Kryptarium, I would visit of course."


"Ohh, I get what you're saying now.  Zane lost his original body, so he's closer to... 63? 64, maybe.  But if we're counting new bodies as do-overs, Pixal lost hers too, she's only a little over 2 now..."

Nya sighed loudly.  "Seriously Jay, come on..."

"No no you're right, it's more of a mental age thing.  That puts Pixal back at 4, and Zane... well he doesn't remember some of his years before meeting us, and you know.. what happened with the Ice Emperor days, none of us talk about that anymore... I think it's fair to say he's in his thirties?"

"Sleep.  That's what happens at four am, that's what people do at four am."

"Right, just trying to work out... the ages still don't go together well, no relationship would when one of them is 4.  But you know Pixal, she's not that immature, she's smarter than us most days.  Which means we now have to factor in programming, added age.  She came with a high degree of intelligence and understanding of life the day she was made.   That would make-"

Nya put her fingers over Jay's mouth.  Sometimes, there was only one way to shut down the mouth of lightning.  She pressed her lips to his.  She hummed softly in response to the gentle pulse of his power crackling beneath his skin.  He could feel the thrum of power too, her element flowing reassuringly through her.  Jay melted into the embrace, hazily trying to keep his grasp on a train of thought that was slipping away.

Nya pulled away and smiled smugly.  Jay weakly attempted to stutter out some response, but she knows exactly how to turn his brain off.  She rolled over and drifted back off to sleep peacefully.  No more witty quips or long winded rants from the Master of Lightning tonight.

~ Is it just me or does anyone else feel slightly more awkward than usual when writing the more intimate stuff?  Maybe just because it's the first time I've ever tried it.  

I swear I'm a Pixane fan, but it is an interesting subject.  They're both close in mental maturity and they both act like young adults the same as the rest of the ninja so I do think it's perfectly fine, but still.  Funny when you thing about the massive gap.

Jay is the Yin, right?  He asks Nya to be his Yang so I'm assuming it is correct to consider him the Yin of their relationship.

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