Day 12: Golden Destiny

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Prompt: flower fields

After season 10 ~

Lloyd wakes up in a field of golden flowers.  This isn't the first time he's had this dream, though at the moment he doesn't realize it is, in fact, a dream.  He feels a presence though no one is there, hears a voice inside his head though nobody could possibly be speaking.

"Do you like my dragon?"

"What? Lloyd turns to face the voice, but there is nobody there.  The wind picks up, golden petals shining brilliantly in the gentle sunlight.  The petals flow around Lloyd, carried by the soothing, warm air.

"Life is balance. Endings are never really endings, only new beginnings."

"I don't really understand any of this."  Lloyd says, again twisting around to try and face the direction he hears the voice coming from.  "Where am I?"

"The Grasslands."  the voice replies patiently, as if it were the most obvious answer in the world.

Lloyd catches a golden petal as it drifts by, stroking it with his thumb.  He should feel upset or afraid to find himself in an unknown place, yet Lloyd feels at ease.  He is not disturbed by being here, merely curious.  "Is this a realm?"

"Of a sort.  You will understand soon... if you choose to come with me."

"Come with you... where?" Lloyd catches more petals in his outstretched hand, partially listening to the voice while admiring the peaceful beauty of his surroundings.  His eyes drift to the floating islands in the distance.  He is vaguely aware he should know this voice, but cannot call an image of a person to mind.

"That is a secret. But you will be happy there."  the displaced voice answers.

"And if I go home, will I remember this?" the green ninja relaxes his grip, allowing the petals in his hand to drift away in the breeze.

"You will think it was a dream. In time, you will forget all about it."

"Is this a dream, then?"  Lloyd inquires curiously.  Soft white clouds float across a clear blue sky.  His gaze shifts upward, noticing a swirl of golden petals being carried higher, higher, higher... the updraft whisks them away beyond his view.

"Is it?" the voice question responds to Lloyd's question with another.

"I could just... wake up?"

"Perhaps you could."  the answer comes with an offer, an outstretched hand.  Though he still cannot conjure an image of this mysterious voice, Lloyd can feel the opportunity before him.  He extends his own arm.  Even as the world around him blurs, Lloyd feels at peace.  Everything begins to spin into a swirl of colors.  Red, blue, white, black into green, green into gold.  Faster and faster he spins, until...

Lloyd wakes up, his senses returning to him.  The weight of an ancient tome about uncharted realms heavy on his chest, the dim light of a candle nearly burned down to nothing.  It happened again, he realizes.  

There is no such place as The Grasslands.  Yet every time he searches for even a mention of such a locale, every time he dwells on it for more than a moment, he dreams the same dream yet again.

Lloyd rolls over and groans.  It awaits him once again.  He's still thinking about the Place That Does Not Exist.  What else would he dream of, then?

~ Do you think Lloyd still remembers his encounter at the end of season 10?  He'll supposedly forget about it in time, but what if he writes it down?  What if he tries to learn more, instead of dismissing a fading memory?

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