Day 20: Do You Know The Cake Man?

63 5 1

Prompt: chocolate

Set anytime ~

"Do you know the Muffin Man?"  Jay broke the silence and Cole's concentration just as they were reaching the end of a difficult level.

"No.  What is that, like a C level villain?  Is he in Kryptarium?"

"You ruined my joke, but honestly you not knowing the Muffin Man is even funnier" Jay laughed.

"Well, do you know the Cake Man?"  Cole countered.

"Pshh, that's not a real thing."

"Yes he is, I'm right here!"

"Technically, I should be the Cake Man."  Zane's metallic voice chimed in from the other couch.

"No way! I eat the most cakes" Cole argued.

"Yeah, that makes you the Great Destroyer," Jay retorted, "The Cake Man should be a kindly middle aged man who painstakingly makes quality cakes."

"I am not a middle aged man."

"Aren't you, Zane? I thought you were forty something.  Okay, fine, but that means you can't be the Cake Man."

"What is he, then?"  Cole asked absentmindedly as they restarted the level.  

"The... Chocolate Chonker."

"He's not fat, though?"

"I mean, chocolate is his favorite thing, he shouldn't be the Cake Man.  The Chocolate Chugger?  But you can't chug chocolate unless you melt it."

"Perhaps I don't need a title"  Zane interjected, willing his teammates to stop.     

"Fine," Jay sighed, "but somebody needs to be the Chocolate Chugger.  It's too good of a name to go to waste.  I'll drink chocolate myself if I have to."

~ Sometimes I come up with a needlessly long story, sometimes it's just a little conversation between some of the ninja.  I thought this idea was so great but it turned out really short haha..

What do you think each ninja's favorite snack/desert is?  We only really know of Cole and cake in canon.

Is this the writing equivalent of a shitepost? I'm sorry 

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