And then it hit you.

"Father, I might know how to shut it." you told them as you looked at the weapon.
"You need to know it for sure." Tony replied. You thought it for awhile, but then you had that feeling. You really were sure about it.
"I'm sure about this. Where is the thing so I can shut it?" you asked as you walked out of the ship.
"On the Avenger tower's roof." Nat told you.
You looked up at the tower and saw the thing which was keeping the portal open.
"Yeah, I can see it. But I need a ride." you replied. You couldn't get on that roof without a lift.
"I got you." you heard behind you.
You turned around and saw Clint. He walked over you and looked at the ship and then the weapon in your hands.
"Is that supposed to shut it." he asked, looking curiously at Loki's weapon.
"Yes, I'm sure about it." you told him with confidence.
"Alright then, I'll get you there with this." he said and slammed his hand against the ship. You climbed in again and he looked around the ship.
"You know how to fly this thing?" you asked when he seemed like he had no idea what he was doing.
"Well, I'll figure it out." he grinned and then pressed some button and the ship lifted up from the ground.

"You guys need to hurry, the missile is coming and it's coming fast." Tony ordered you.
"On our way, sir." Clint teased and flew across the city, towards the tower.
"What's your plan Stark?" you heard Steve asking.

Meanwhile you had landed on the roof of the tower. You looked at the thing, and noticed that it seemed to be weak from the center.

"I'm here." you told them, while Clint was protecting you by shooting down the coming chitauries.
"Great kid, I'm gonna get that missile inside that portal. And when it's done, I need you to close that portal for me. Got it?" he asked.
"Wait what? Isn't that dangerous?" you asked worried about your father. You didn't want to get him killed.
"Of course it is. But trust me on this kid, we don't have any other option." he replied. Even though he tried to sound fearless and confident, you could hear the sound of concern and fear in his voice. And it hurted you even more. Although you weren't that close with your father, you cared about him a lot.

After few minutes of radio silence, Tony contacted on you again.
"Alright I got the missile, I'll be soon in there. Get ready kiddo, I'm really counting on you in this." he said and you could hear through his earphone the missile. You didn't want to admit it, but you were scared for you father.

You prepared yourself as you saw Tony with the missile, coming towards your direction. And just in time, he lifted it up and guided it into the portal.

It felt like eternity when you waited him to come back from the portal. But it was starting to take too long.
"Where is he?" Clint asked, looking up at the portal.
"Close it." Steve ordered suddenly, which only meant one thing. He thought Tony wasn't coming back.
But you didn't close it, you wanted to wait for your father.
"Y/N do it now!" Steve ordered again, but you still didn't do it.
"For god's sake Y/N, if you don't do it now, we're all gonna die!" he raised his voice.
You looked at the weapon and then back to the portal. You had to make hard decision.

And you had already made it.

A tear fell down on your cheek as you pushed the weapon through the force field around the thing, straight into the middle.
And you were right, it closed the portal, just in time.
You looked back to the sky as the portal disappeared, but then something..


Someone, fell through it before it closed. It was Tony, it was your father.
But for your surprise he wasn't slowing down, something was wrong.
"He's not slowing!" Thor said after he had noticed the same.
And then, just before he hit to the ground, Hulk caught him and took him safely at the ground. You rushed to the ship with Clint, who flew you two instantly to the ground to the others.

You ran to them as the whole team were gathered around Tony.
"Why isn't he awake?" you asked as you noticed that he was still knocked out.
Steve looked concerned as he checked Tony's pulse.
"I can't... I can't feel his heartbeat." Steve said little shocked and tried to bring him back to live.
You looked from aside, shocked and stunned, as they were helplessly trying to get his heart beating.
Tears fell down on your cheeks as you got that awful feeling of yours.

He was dead.

You felt it.

Like you had felt Loki's pain before.

Tears started to fall down on your cheeks even more and more as you started to panic. Clint pulled you into his arms and he tried to calm you down.
"Shhh, it's alright I'm here." he told you and hugged you tightly.

"Let me try something." you heard Thor saying. You looked at them as Thor lifted up his hammer and hit Tony's chest gently with it. A little lighting came out of it and then suddenly, Tony's lungs filled with air again and his eyes cracked open. You sighed heavily in relief as you rushed to your father and knelt down next to him.
"Why are you crying kiddo? I'm alive." he laughed a little. You rolled your eyes at his stupid sense of humor and helped him up on his feet again.
"So did we win?" he asked and looked around him. All the chitauries had died and the city looked horrible.
"Yes, we won." Steve replied and walked to other side of Tony, to support his walk.

It was over, all of it.


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