He scrunched his face again in thought. Where had they met before? He definitely recognized him. Hard not to forget someone with mixed hair, different colored eyes, and a scar like that. Even in a world of quirks.

"Soulmate problems remember? Or something of that nature according to you and your... friend."

Midoriya jumped again as the guy passed by again with a dull look but raised eyebrow

"I was muttering again wasn't I?"

"Yes," the guy gave a small nod earning a groan from Midoriya

"Sorry... again."

"It's a bad habit."


The pair stared at each other. The one guy with a to-go cup in his hand. Midoriya's tea half finished at this point. Secretly hoping the other would leave so he could sulk in his embarrassment alone.

"May I ask something?" The guy asked tapping his to-go cup

Midoriya awkwardly gestures to the seat in front of him. Less awkward to sit across from a stranger than stand and potentially block the line.

The guy sat stiffly across from Midoirya. Tapping the side of the cup still and staring at the table. Midoriya fiddled with his own fingers around his cup staring at the remaining contents.

"You are not a soulmate expert correct?"

Midoriya blinked up in surprise. Vaguely recalling their original conversation when Bakugou had him up against a wall over the fact Kirishima wasn't responding to him.

"No. If I am honest I kinda sucked with the whole thing... I think."

"But... you know of it," The guy still not looking up at Midoriya

"Um... basics yes why?"

The guy shuffled slightly and sighed

"Sorry... it's taboo at my house to mention it but... I want to do better for mine and I don't know how," the guy final looked up at Midoriya but his cold blank stare remained the same despite his words

"Well... it depends what you're doing now right? Soulmates," Midoriya waved a hand slightly and searched for the wording, "Well honestly maybe it's just me but they seem to be overhyped. So many people strongly desire to know them because it's the one person they are connected too right? People rush into things. So... if you want to do it right or better isn't it better to just do a step at a time?"

"I don't think we are even at step one," the guy said flatly

Midoriya tilted his head slightly and tapped his thumb on the table, "You don't talk?"

"We aren't supposed to but in rare moments we do."

Not supposed to?

"Do you actually want to know more about them or are you content with them not living up to your expectations?"

The guy's face seriously never changed since the moment he sat down but his eyes blinked a few times as if trying to reprocess what was said a few times. He took the first sip of his drink and let it finally settle on the table in front of him.

"I don't have expectations for them. I just want to know they are alright."

Midoriya opened and closed his mouth with a sigh. This guy wasn't making much sense. Then again... when do idiots with soulmate troubles ever do?

"Well what's their name? You should be able to keep track of them or file a report of sorts if you think they are in trouble but there is a limit between caring and being creepy."

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