Chapter 11

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Midoriya didn't respond to his soulmate because he honestly didn't know what to say. He was exhausted and had training the next day as is. Adding to the soulmate debocial wasn't something he was even physically capable of handling at the moment.

He may have overdone it the next few days. The entrance exam was right there. He could feel it. All his work is starting to show. The beach was almost fully clean and not just the section he was supposed to do. Like the whole dang beach.

He felt like he was grasping at straws in desperation.

He wanted this. He wanted to be a hero. He wanted to help people. He wanted this.

Even if he felt like he was going to fail... he had to try because even at the end of the shittiest possible day he still wanted to be a hero

He just...

He needed something

He felt like through everything he was missing that one tiny thing to push him just a bit farther. He wanted to save people and live his dream. Make people feel safe. Make life better even if it was just for one person. He wanted to be a hero.

So what the hell was missing?

Midoriya laid panting on the beach at the end of his training session. All Might had to ditch early getting a call from the police station. Something about something or another honestly Midoriya missed half the explanation. He just recalls All Might telling him to take it easy, stretch, and go home... which he... well he was working on the stretching and going home part.

"You are almost done."

Midoriya let out the least hero-sounding scream and scrambled to his feet in a panic. Right in front of him was the kid with the scar from the shop and alley.

"Oh.. hello," Midoriya clutched the bit of shirt near his heart

The guy didn't really answer but just stared at the almost clear beach. There was just that one final corner. The exam was in two days. He could do it. It would be like a walk in the park... or beach.

"Just out for a walk?" Midoriya asked dropping to the sand again this time actually stretching his legs as All Might instructed

The guy just shrugged and shifted his gaze from the last bit of trash to the ocean. The sun giving its last light of the day sinking in the city behind them. The stars already peeking from over the sea.

And Midoriya simply kept stretching. Every time he opened his mouth to say something he would shut it just as quickly.

He really didn't understand this guy. He would just show at random moments and ask one or two really questionable questions then dip. He didn't seem to actually want to be friendly. More like he was just acquiring his information and leaving.

Honestly Midoriya couldn't remember if he was ever even told his name.

"Why are you cleaning the beach?"

Midoriya blinked up realizing he was suddenly staring at him.

"Well it's good training and it's a good thing to do right?"

The boy looked back to the ocean and started to walk back toward where he came from only to pause after three steps and look back.

"We've talked about being heroes before right?"

Midoriya felt a spark of surprise run through him at the question, "I don't think so. Just soulmate stuff."

"What do you think of them. Heroes," he wasn't looking at Midoriya just kept staring out, "Everyone seems to want to be one but why?"

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