Kirishima: Woah! I already feel nervous right now! How about you, Bakugou?

Bakugou: Nervous? Are you a coward or what?

We stop walking in front of a platform in the middle of arena. Midnight is standing on the platform.

Midnight: Now, now, fair play!!

Me:*yawn* Her costume is not suitable to be shown in public.

Half of all students: Agree.

The other half: Not agree!

Midnight: Silence! My tenure here is perfectly on the level!! Now, player rep!! (Y/N) (L/N) of 1-A!!

I start to walk to the platform without saying anything.

Deku POV

Me: (Y/N) is our represantative?!

Kirishima: He placed first in the entrance exam, remember?

Girl from other class: Yeah, the heroics entrance exam.

Me:*look at (Y/N)* But when I think back, (Y/N) is suitable to give speech or something.

All of us then look at (Y/N) who is already standing in front of the microphone.

(Y/N):*look at the sky* The sun is shining brightly today.

All: WHAT THE HELL?!!?!!

All Might POV

Me:*chuckle* Your son really know how to give speech, Akari.

Akari:*chuckle* He just lazy. If he's in the mood, his speech will be incredible.

Nezu:*smile* He really don't like to talk. His personality is really different than you.

Akari: I don't know where did he got that personality.


Iida: At least say something that related to this festival!!

All: He's right!!

Me: Hmm? What I said just now is really related to the festival.

All: What the hell?!

Me: When I said "the sun is shining brightly", it means today is the day that we have a chance to shine. Not everyday we can show our true perfomance, but today, in this festival, all of us have chance to show our true perfomance and shine. Don't let your nervousness disturb you to shine. It's now or never. Don't waste your chance.

After I done, I start to walk down from the stage. Everyone in the arena start to cheer for me.

Iida: You got us there.

Me: It's basic of giving speech.

??? POV

???: Nice speech he got there.

???: So that is our target, huh? He looks like average guy to me. Why boss wants him badly?

???: He's not average guy. He defeated Nomu alone.

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