Chapter 1: Welcome to Pluto

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Please don't wake up. Please don't wake up. Pleaseeeee. Buzzzzz!!! Of course my damn alarm would wake me up when I'm at the best part of the dream. A few more minutes and I could have been at 2nd base with Chris Evans. I angrily rip the covers from over my face and twist my neck to look at my phone. 7:15am. Maybe just 10 more minutes? I thought. But, I wouldn't be able to recapture the moment anyway. A boy can dream right. I stagger out of the bed with just a white tee and boxers while I tiptoe on the cold floor. I make my way to the bathroom and grimace my face in the mirror. "You look awful Mika. Jesus." I say aloud to myself. I mean I'm not the worst looking but damn. My dull brown hair was matted up into a curly fluffy ball, my eyes were blood shot red from rubbing them, and my skin face looked flushed which totally contradicted from my tan. I looked mediocre enough, but to look this bad in the morning is not the move. But who am I fancying myself up for? School? Yeah right. I fix my hair up, brush my teeth, wipe my eyes, and take a vitamin. I then enter my celebrity renowned closet and pick out an outfit to spice things up! A grey hoodie and some sweat pants. Nice... I head down stairs to grab a pop-tart to head out. I'm not a breakfast person at all and I surely didn't want to run int- "Why are you still here? I thought you would have left by now. Hurry up and go to school" My mom groaned. Ahh yes. My mother. Who is always lovely in the morning. "What the hell are you staring at? And where is my purse, I'm already fucking late for work," She scowled while stomping around the living room. If you could call it that. We had one couch and a 32 inch tv. My mother wore a black trench coat, with high black boots, and her hair pinned up to what I guess you would call a ponytail. "Well unlike you I'm not late for school," I remarked and went in the pantry to retrieve my snack. She glared at me. "And unlike you, I have a job and bills to pay. Something you or your dad don't know shit about", she responded and with a sigh of relief finds her phone. "You always bring him up like he's here. Which I wish he was because he'd have to deal with all your bitching and moaning", I snapped back. "ahahaha", she sarcastically chuckles while grabbing her keys. "If your dad was here.....he would have beat the shit out of you for playing with barbies when you were seven. Also when he saw you kissing boys in the backyard when you were 16", She replied. I didn't know what to say to that. Obviously she would go that low to hurt me. "Oh no back talk?", she asks and heads for the door. But, before she heads out, she stops and observes me head to toe. "You need to eat more than a pop-tart. You look sickly. And lock the door on your way out". With that she leaves. Unbelievable. I throw my backpack over my arm and squeeze my keys out of anger. Fuck you Connie. I stand waiting at the bus stop with a cool breeze blowing on my face. I stand far away from the other people waiting. I could go on and about being antisocial or not fitting and blah blah blah, but that's just boring. Like my life hehe. 18 and my last year of high school. Thank god because I'm a few months away from a breakdown. I just want to leave this town. This state. The state being North Carolina. Boring ass place. With boring ass people. I would just like to travel to a new planet. Somewhere unknown and magical. Cliche as it sounds, it's paradise to me. Suddenly, I see the sky change colors. It at first appears a lilac color. Then, it changes to dark pink. I stare at the sky and then at the people standing away from me. Are they not seeing this? What the hell is going on? I could see one cloud drift over my head and stop. It just wavered over me. I felt my stomach sink as I stared at it. Then, blue crystals slowly floated down and surrounded me. They were the most beautiful things I've ever seen. They seemed to be....alive! The crystals scattered around me like butterflies. I extended my arm and opened my palm. I caught one the crystals in my hand. I gazed awe as it started to rotate in my palm. Faster and faster. Boom! It then exploded into a ball of light which caused a chain reaction with the other blue crystals. As they exploded, the sound they released resembled.....honking? "Kid are you getting on or not?!", the bus driver shouts at me. My eyes quickly dart at him and then around me. The kids were gone and presumably on the bus. The sky was back to a dreary blue and the crystals were gone. I sat in the front of the bus and stared out the window. If you've ever been on a school bus, you know the back is always rowdy. I couldn't get my mind off the blue crystals and the colorful sky. Where did it come from? I couldn't help but be stuck on it. It was so fucking cool. So pretty. Was it the work of aliens? Was I dreaming? I've heard of lucid dreaming, but this was different. It felt real. It was hard to focus because of all the obnoxious asswholes from the aisle. And for some reason, I don't feel the vibration of the bus under my feet anymore. Why have we stopped? Then all of the sudden, I feel myself floating! I start breathing hard as I float out of my seat and watch the bus drive off from the sky. "Helppp! Oh godd!" I scream as I start getting further and further away from the earth. What is happening to me? Am I dying? I'm floating even faster now beyond the clouds until I leave earth and reach space. I now feel like I'm falling. My body feels weightless and I drift around with no control. I feel my body plummeting and see that I'm about to crash into another planet! I want to scream but my lungs feel like they're crushing inside of me. I close my eyes and wait for me finally meet my demise. Smack. I hit the ground and sink into it. When I open my eyes I see flashes of millions of purple and yellow lights. As if the they make up this planet's mantle. Then I feel myself jolted from below and pulled back up to the surface. What appears to be a woman, about 8 ft tall, holds me by one hand. I hang there limp and bewildered from staring at her. She's wearing some type of ancient Egyptian clothing but shimmering silver armor around her. Her hair was long and dark and her skin was a pastel green. "Well hello there tiny alien", she spoke softly. "PUT. ME. DOWN.", I demanded. She laughed and let go of me. But I was still floating! Rays of light shot from her fingers as she formed a cube around me. "That'll keep you from drifting away", she said and smiled. "Where am I? who the hell are you?" I asked. Her emerald eyes sparkled at me. "Welcome to Pluto. I am Lunais. I knew you didn't look like you were from around here", she responded. "Really? what gave it away? do I look green to you?", I asked sarcastically. She chuckled. This girl was way too cheery. "How can I be on Pluto?" I asked still floating inside a cube. She turned away from me and raised her hands in the air. Until now I've only been paying attention to her and not my surroundings. All I saw was a blank space; almost like a dessert. Lunais kept her hands in the air and the world seem to warp. The dessert disappeared and around me was a blue field of crystals! Lunais signaled the crystals with her hands as if she was an orchestrator and shot them in the sky. The world around me started to break down and I saw a magical city form around me. More green people started to appear and a civilization out of thin air! It was like I was in the Wizard of Oz. Tall metallic skyscrapers, floating devices, and abstract creatures. "It's fucking amazing!" I exclaimed. "Maybe one day I'll show you around," Lunais says. "What? Why not now?" I ask excitedly. She shakes her head and places her finger on my forehead. My eyes roll to the back of my head and I black out. I feel myself floating again, but this time like I'm in a dark void. Skrrt! I feel my head hit glass and I lift my head up. I look at the window and see a spot of blood. Ouch. The bus halted and kids started rushing off to the school entrance. But I just sat there. I felt like I couldn't move. Who would want to go to school....after all that. I reluctantly pulled my self up and got off. I walked slowly towards the school doors. Waiting to float again.

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